Objective: Secure & private password management, prevent anyone from stealing your passwords.

Option 1: Store Keepass PW file in personal cloud service like OneDrive/GoogleDrive/etc , download file, use KeepassXC to Open

Option 2: Use ProtonPass or similar solution like Bitwarden

Option 3: Host a solution like Vaultwarden

Which would do you choose? Are there more options ? Assume strong masterpassword and strong technical skills

  • @binom@lemmy.world
    19 months ago

    that’s genius. i have never even considered that you could use a (sub)domain with a local ip like that to get a certificate from a trusted ca. i ma not sure i understand the neccessity for api access to your dns service. is the txt record for LE different every time you have to pass a challenge? otherwise i imagine you could just set and forget the record.

    thank you for the explanation, well appreciated!

    • Chewy
      9 months ago

      Yes it’s awesome. I never even considered that it’s possible to add not publicly routable IP’s to public DNS server, until I recently read a post about dns-01 challenge.

      I believe the txt record is different every time.