The Luna 25 spacecraft reported an “emergency situation on board,” Russia’s space agency, Roscosmos, said on Saturday.

An incident occurred as the spacecraft was trying to enter a pre-landing orbit, according to Roscosmos.

“During the operation, an emergency situation occurred on board the automatic station, which did not allow the maneuver to be performed with the specified parameters,” Roscosmos said in a Telegram post.

    -810 months ago

    Yes, it’s very slightly different energy from calling them orcs, but I guess that’s because this event didn’t kill any of your favorite Nazis.

    • Saganastic
      10 months ago

      I agree that people saying things like that are racist/insensitive. I think it’s fair to have gripes with Russia’s actions, but extending those feelings to every individual Russian seems misplaced. I haven’t witnessed that in this thread yet though, so I think you’re generalizing.