When you allow far right attitudes to grow … they are like weeds that start appearing everywhere.

My general rule of thumb is … if one’s ideals and beliefs start affecting the lives of others … then their beliefs are not about them, they believe in wanting to control the lives of others.

  • IninewCrowOP
    21 year ago

    And the hopeful thing about that is that society as a whole is changing towards that direction. The thing we all have to keep in mind is that this is a very very gradual change and one that will come with a lot of growing pains. We are making our world one step better in this generation … it’s a small step but still a step … the generation after us will hopefully take another step forward.

    • @PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca
      31 year ago

      My only fear is that there are enough people who just don’t care either way that will empower the far right to make lasting changes on our society.

      • IninewCrowOP
        51 year ago

        Think of what people had to live with 50 years ago … 100 years ago … all the conservative, backward ways of thought and belief back then … we have progressed, as much as it doesn’t look like it, we have progressed and continue to do so. The fact that you are thinking about it, addressing it and debating is a continued sign of progress. Stay well my friend.

        • @PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca
          41 year ago

          Very true. Culture is thought to be the slowest human construct to change and when you put it in context, it’s pretty impressive. Thanks for the different perspective :) I appreciate it.