
Democrats are becoming increasingly concerned about a possible drop in Black voter turnout for the 2024 presidential election, according to party insiders. The worries arise from a 10% decrease in Black voter turnout in the 2022 midterms compared to 2018, a more substantial decline than any other racial or ethnic group, as per a Washington Post analysis. The decline was particularly significant among younger and male Black voters in crucial states like Georgia, where Democrats aim to mobilize Black voter support for President Biden in 2024.

The Democratic party has acknowledged the need to bolster their outreach efforts to this demographic. W. Mondale Robinson, founder of the Black Male Voter Project, highlighted the need for Democrats to refocus their attention on Black male voters, who have shown lower levels of engagement. In response, Biden’s team has pledged to communicate more effectively about the benefits that the Black community has reaped under Biden’s administration, according to Cedric L. Richmond, a senior advisor at the Democratic National Committee.

However, Black voter advocates have identified deep-seated issues affecting Black voter turnout. Many Black men reportedly feel detached from the political process and uninspired by both parties’ policies. Terrance Woodbury, CEO of HIT Strategies, a polling firm, suggests that the Democratic party’s focus on countering Trump and Republican extremism doesn’t motivate younger Black men as much as arguments focused on policy benefits. Concerns are growing within the party that if they fail to address these issues, disenchanted Black voters might either abstain or, potentially, be swayed by Republican messaging on certain key issues.

    -2111 months ago

    The Democrats lost me when than ran Hillary over Bernie.

    We will never get a progressive with the two party system. We are just voting hard R vs centrist R at this point.

    • IntangibleSloth
      3711 months ago

      Yup, better give up! /s

      I was disappointed too, but there’s only one party fighting for what I value, so they get my vote.

          3111 months ago

          Fuck the greens. Their leadership takes gop cash to help split the left vote.

          You can’t vote for moon shot candidates in a first past the post election system. All that ever does is help the candidate you don’t want.

          If you want to see change, you have to volunteer. Change starts at the bottom. Not at the top.

          • Flying Squid
            1011 months ago

            They also almost never run candidates for lower office. How about trying for mayor before president, Green Party?

            011 months ago

            i don’t want either the democrat or the republican candidate, so i’ll be voting green. at least i plan to. i suppose i could be swayed if one of the parties nominated someone who aligned with jill stein/cornel west.

              111 months ago

              Then you’re voting authoritarian.

              Don’t fool yourself. The math behind FPtP voting doesn’t end any other way if you vote 3rd party.

            -411 months ago

            I just wrote the first party other than the dems or reps that I could think of, because I know that neither the former or latter fight for what their voters want.

              111 months ago

              Well, parties don’t fight for what you want. They’re too big.

              Representatives fight for you. That’s literally their job.

              I have a congressional rep for the district I live in. I make sure to attend one town hall every year to make myself heard and let him know what I want him to fight for.

              And even then, he has to take the wants and needs of roughly 130,000 people into account.

                011 months ago

                And you actually believe what you’re saying?

                Do you know how they finance their campaigns? Do you think that your concerns outweigh one of the campaign donations they get? If you multiply your concerns by 130k it still won’t match a single donation from a corporate donor in their interest.

          1211 months ago

          And when they do, we get stuff like former green party Sinema killing the first climate change bill that could pass in a generation.

      2011 months ago

      Bernie voters were statistically unreliable at the polls. He lost that one and isn’t running this cycle, so what is the relevance?

      11 months ago

      I’m honestly surprised that this is such a popular take. You know how your country works right? How the Supreme Court works?

      If nothing else, is your Ideological purity worth 4 years of conservative (read batshit crazy fundies) appointments to the federal bench?

      From where I’m standing, outside your political system, it seems like a colossally stupid argument. Unless of course you are agitating for the fundies.

      Just go vote Democrat. Then lie about it to your friends if you have to, and hope they do the same.

        1511 months ago

        Politics are a bus stop. They don’t get you exactly to where you want to go but they’ll get you close. I was very bummed about the Bernie situation and wish we had an actual left party but I’ll vote Democrat.

          1011 months ago

          In general, yes.

          But especially now, refusing to vote strategically when the other major party nominee is a known authoritarian that already (among other things) tried to violently overthrow the constitutional order, seems just insane to me.

          You don’t have too put up lawn signs or phone bank or whatever. Just hold your nose and tick the box of the major party candidate guy that is not an active threat democracy.

            011 months ago

            tick the box of the major party candidate guy that is not an active threat democracy.

            i don’t think there’s going to be one.

          011 months ago

          One bus is heading downhill with the accelerator floored. The other bus is facing uphill and revving its engine like mad, but is coasting downhill in neutral.

          Those of us walking uphill get to gripe.