There’s not putting up with bullshit and there’s being an asshole, he lands on either side depending. Him hating Jim Carrey for no reason is an asshole move, being a dick to the person serving you and trying to get you what you like is also an asshole move. He could have said “earl grey please” with less words than he used to bitch out the poor employee for doing their job.
I think actors who talk down to and treat the crew badly are pieces of shit, meanwhile hot hear about other actors taking the crew out for drinks and treating them as equals
He’s truly not very nice! In fact, he’s (IMO) the polar opposite of someone classy like the late Christopher Plummer (RIP) whom I got to work with on a feature years back.
Edit: or Anthony Hopkins who introduced himself to my friend as “Tony”.
My ex gf did makeup for Danny Trejo for a super small film many years ago. One day she told me to swing by the set at a specific time to have lunch with him, if I wanted. I did! He was super cool. 10/10 would chow down with him again.
I worked on a few movies with him.
Here’s the exact exchange I overheard between him and a PA on the set of Finestkind:
PA: “Can I get you anything, Mr. Jones?”
Tommy Lee Jones: “I’ll have some hot tea please.”
PA: “We have Oolong tea, Earl Grey, Green Tea, or would you like something else?”
Tommy Lee Jones: “I’d like a hot cup of too many fucking questions!”
So yeah. This is EXACTLY what he’s like. He does NOT put up with bullshit.
There’s not putting up with bullshit and there’s being an asshole, he lands on either side depending. Him hating Jim Carrey for no reason is an asshole move, being a dick to the person serving you and trying to get you what you like is also an asshole move. He could have said “earl grey please” with less words than he used to bitch out the poor employee for doing their job.
I think actors who talk down to and treat the crew badly are pieces of shit, meanwhile hot hear about other actors taking the crew out for drinks and treating them as equals
Look into one Mr. Frank Grillo for all of the things you seek.
That was not very nice of him.
He’s truly not very nice! In fact, he’s (IMO) the polar opposite of someone classy like the late Christopher Plummer (RIP) whom I got to work with on a feature years back.
Edit: or Anthony Hopkins who introduced himself to my friend as “Tony”.
My ex gf did makeup for Danny Trejo for a super small film many years ago. One day she told me to swing by the set at a specific time to have lunch with him, if I wanted. I did! He was super cool. 10/10 would chow down with him again.
Yeah how is that putting up with bullshit? Is your waitress handing you a menu bullshit? Like she should just psychically know what you want?
I hope he got a cup of plain hot water for this.