• DeadwingSoda
    15011 months ago

    Not to rain on the ‘fuck reddit’ parade, because well, fuck reddit, but the volunteer mod requests in the image are all two to three months old. Wasn’t all the backlash from the API decision only in mid-June?

        • @tomkatt@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          I haven’t even looked honestly, just looked up the account. I don’t really care whether they fill them or not, I only go back to reddit now for /r/sbcgaming and /r/ereader since those communities haven’t really picked up here yet (though maybe they will in time).

          Edit - I just looked. It seems to be a lot of people saying “I wouldn’t be a good mod, no thanks” or “let me be a mod, I’ll totally let people post lewd pics,” “pick me, I’ll reinstate the old mods,” “I’ll gladly abuse my power, sure” and stuff of that variety. So no, doesn’t look like it’s a big rush to fill the spots. Mostly a lot of snark for the majority of them. MaleFashionAdvice seemed to be an exception with people looking to take the mod spot and they were all ridiculously downvoted.

          Edit 2 - I especially liked this one:

          u/spez can take his IPO and shove it up his ass. Join us at Lemmy. We can build it into something corporate dickwads can’t take from us.

        • @ninja@hoboninjachicken.com
          1911 months ago

          r/mensfashion is one of the bigger subreddits where this is happening. I read through the post. Everyone who expressed interest was getting down voted like crazy.

      • Raltoid
        611 months ago

        I’m guessing a lot of the NSFW subs saw this as the final straw and just went to nsfw lemmy instead. Since they seem to be pravalent in all the “we need mods” posts.

    • @TenderfootGungi@lemmy.world
      3411 months ago

      Great point, but if they were struggling to find mods before the meltdown it does not bode well.

      I follow a sports team sub. On most days we discuss players, teams, etc. But on game day a mob of rowdy people stop by. The game threads get several posts a minute. I cannot image trying to police that while trying to watch the game.

      • Decoy321
        1311 months ago

        That’s the thing. We never did. We were all watching the games, then going through the threads afterwards.

      • @TeamAssimilation
        1111 months ago

        He’s pointing out the requests are too old to be in response to the APIcalypse, not that they’re not admin requests.

      • @garyyo@lemmy.world
        811 months ago

        Who else would post such stuff? Regular users, other mods? If a sub has no mods the admins have to step in. So this distinction you are making serves no purpose.

        This bot account is actually making recent posts, why the fuck is there a pic of these months old one?