• 3 Posts
Joined 7 days ago
Cake day: March 11th, 2025


  • Great plan! I’ll tell all my EU family to vote for you—haha

    I like this list. Should have been done already. Especially Le Pen and Orban—they have been on our radar for so long it’s absurd how they’ve been allowed to fester. AfD needs to go. I also am extremely skeptical and have my eye on Sahra Wagenknecht with her praise of Putin.

    Sovereign countries have the right to remain sovereign and defend against foreign and domestic interlopers who wish to end their sovereignty. I’m rooting for you and if I gets bad enough I hope I can be allowed to lend myself to your fight.

  • Let’s say you had something compromising on someone. There’s so much smut out there that that alone might not be “fun” enough to torture your target with. It’d probably get lost in all the noise of the internet.

    If you instead, spread their image in an ARG style campaign, you’ve now got an entire forum of people who would identify the compromising material as “Nicole.”

    There’s entire creators online that focus on internet oddities. If you really wanted to torture someone, you could make their face specifically known for a separate reason (here, cover is a romance scam that goes nowhere.)

    I’m not saying this is happening here. But if you truly wanted to harass someone and gain coercive control over them, this would be a pretty effective way to do that without sharing the compromising payload.

    Which, we might consider this might be a coercion tactic towards the victim in addition to a targeted harassment.

    As in, “See look all these people know your face now. They’re all looking for you. Do what I want and I won’t share the compromising material.”


  • I noticed the “Psychic.” At first I thought that it was alluding to people like me who are lawyers but have a strategic mind and fairly accurately predict outcome with good data and information.

    But then I immediately realized they’re just extremely dumb and dangerous. Might also have been trying to say psychotic/psychosis.

    If it stays as written, then I would like them try to prove the existence of psychics.

    It’s a troll as you say. But having watched the law for a long time and being in the law, it is highly likely that a group that is more competent will get a hold of this idea, draft a real version, and pump that legislation out to every state legislature.

    We have that being homosexual is a crime still on the books in most places. We are only 40 years old from homosexuality being considered a mental illness. This sort of thing is absolutely on the table.

  • Danke, dass du das sagst. Es ist richtig, dass Frauen es vermeiden, mit respektlosen Männern auszugehen. Brauchen wir jeden Tag 10 “Nachrichtenartikel” darüber? Die gleiche Dummheit wird in Amerika verbreitet. Die dummen Nachrichten schaffen ein Narrativ, das uns spaltet.

    Die Schreiber wollen die Ängste der Frauen bestätigen: dass Männer eine Bedrohung sind. Und sie wollen die Schwarz-Weiß-Paranoia der Incels bestätigen: dass alle Frauen Männer hassen, sie immer ablehnen werden und dass Frauen deshalb bestraft werden müssen. Es ist die Bestätigung falscher Vorurteile, die uns daran hindert, all das zu erreichen, was Sie geschrieben haben. Es ist Gift.

    Ich stimme mit @killingspark@feddit.org überein. Die Männer, die sich aufregen, sind emotional unreif. Sie haben Schwierigkeiten, ihre Emotionen zu regulieren. Und sie suchen Trost in einer Gruppe, in der sie ihre Niedergeschlagenheit und Wut aggressiv zum Ausdruck bringen können. Diese Art von Menschen sind oft nicht durch eine gute politische Strategie motiviert. Sie wählen den schnellsten Weg, um sich auszutoben und sich sofort mächtig zu fühlen. Ich glaube nicht, dass diese Männer jemals der Linken beitreten würden. Die Beschwerden sind eine Ausrede.

    Ich entschuldige mich für mein Deutsch. Ich lerne immer noch und benutze manchmal die falschen Worte. Danke für dein Verständnis haha

  • I must add: I have a friend in his 50’s who had a similar reaction that you did. So, please don’t think your perspective is invalid here. You aren’t wrong in pointing out that this line did hurt some people whom it wasn’t meant for—including yourself.

    What you’ve said in explanation is very sad for me to learn. I am very sorry that you hold such pain and suffering here. That you’ve endured this. You owe me no explaining but this makes sense to me why you are bothered.

    You would probably like the Tao Te Ching. If you haven’t read it before it’s fairly short. There are many translations. I think you might find strategy to use empathy offensively there.

    I thank you for being vulnerable and I wish you healing and strength. You are always welcome here.

  • There’s different types of weird. If this type of weird doesn’t apply to you, then you shouldn’t be offended by it.

    I’m extremely weird and I wasn’t offended by it. Because it’s not referring to me.

    Sometimes we have to set aside our ego and strike where our opponent is weakest. They are weakest when they feel like they are not being included in the “in group.” Weird cuts quickly to that weakness. It has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them.

    If you are hurt by this, then maybe you should work on your introspection and figure out why it bothers you so much. It almost certainly wasn’t meant in the way you’ve taken it. I hope you find growth here.