You can’t request media?
You can’t request media?
I liked playing tachanka on R6, tht is short for TheHolyTachanka
Nah democracy doesn’t work, I would rather it stay the vanguard system and rule the world
Time to play it, if you kill the Nazis ofc
Is that not a nazi salute?
He is gonna be regarded as a free speech hero now isn’t he
They are rich because they exploit us bruv
Can he go fuck himself, I like sending my kids to school without body armor and I like free healthcare
Idk bruv, who makes the phones, it’s not the billionaires
I’m still on an ender 3
I actively used to distro-hop multiple times a day, I would have my steam library on an external hard disk and I was like “I’ll use arch in the morning and Gentoo later”
This is braindead, are they gonna require background checks for the hardware store next?
People usually call me a tankie
Hitler killed them on purpose
It shows he tried his best and was sad when he failed, he cared for his people
Ignoring him and getting better ties with China