De-addiction centres? (Although personally I don’t think smoking should be banned as long as the smoker does not expose others to the poison.)
I think the more useful thing to do is not to hide these stereotypes, but to state and then question them. There’s this passage from Lords and Ladies -
Elves are wonderful. They provoke wonder.
Elves are marvellous. They cause marvels.
Elves are fantastic. They create fantasies.
Elves are glamorous. They project glamour.
Elves are enchanting. They weave enchantment.
Elves are terrific. They beget terror.
The thing about words is that meanings can twist just like a snake, and if you want to find snakes look for them behind words that have changed their meaning.
Elves can then be used as an allegory of how the aristocracy does the most horrible things one can imagine, but then surround themselves with an air of refinement.
stories about helicopters firing missiles without targeting carefully or those girls in tanks firing on kibbutz homes without a clear idea of who is inside
Does anyone have a ‘reputable’ (i.e. Western or at least Al Jazeera) source for both of these? I need to show some people.
You can make cattle feed out of it though.
Many European countries as well - Ireland and Spain were expected, but France, Norway, Belgium and even Poland seem to have voted yes.
They are all Bourgeois parties at the end of the day
Hasn’t Morena done a lot to reduce poverty and build infrastructure in the provinces?
The core is mostly solid. It’s the mantle that is mostly liquid (probably).
That might be the intention of some of them. But photos have a powwrful emotional impact. It was the photo of a drowned boy that (temporarily) got Europe to accept thousands of refugees.
The company was sued in 2017 by drivers whose cars drove themselves unexpectedly through garages and into walls; a German paper reported last year on over 2,400 complaints about sudden braking problems; and a safety researcher published a white paper showing how voltage spikes could lead Teslas to speed up without warning.
Remember the relative of some US senator who drove herself into a pond and drowned? Was she driving a Tesla?
It’s Hannover.
Haldane was an incredibly based guy so this tracks.
How would a metal detector sense the shape of your flesh? And how would it know your legal gender?
I’m guessing braking without (1) causing a pile-up or (2) snapping the tow-lines will be a problem.
What about the set of all insects?
Monoculture isn’t just ‘bad’. It is a threat to food security. A virus can wipe out your entire harvest. Any sensible government is going to be scared.
People who are forced to work fewer hours can often do more work in those fewer hours. Opposition to the four-day week, like opposition to free healthcare, does not even make economic sense. It is purely a form of sadism.
At this point, might as well decide the election with a golf match.