• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • My city has been stuck trying to expand its tram system for decades at this point, but whenever I mention that we could introduc trolley buses instead people look at me like I’m crazy!

    They just make so much sense for our use case. We’re a hilly city, so the rubber tyres are more suitable than steel on steel, the routes they want to build on don’t really have the space for separated infrastructure, so having buses that can run on the roads will be less disruptive, and by not having to install rails they’re a lot cheaper too.

  • Because images like this are still relevant no matter how the cars are powered.

    Running an electric car is obviously greener than running an ICE car, but producing one is most definitely not environmentally friendly. If we can reduce the number of vehicles on the road, including electric cars, that would go a long way to reducing carbon emissions.

    There’s also the case to be made around the environmental impact of (sub)urban sprawl, which generally comes about as a direct result of car dependency.

  • This reminds me of two recent posts that I got involved in here.

    The first was about Wales’ upcoming 20mph zone, where people were complaining that “they’re just trying to generate revenue”. Well, only if you decide to break the law, surely?

    The other was a discussion on the cyclists who were “caught” speeding in Devon. Drivers were outraged and wanted cyclists to adhere to the speed limits (good luck without a speedometer). But they would get apoplectic when you suggested that they should do the same.

    As a cyclist it always strikes me that we probably don’t need any new laws to make the roads safe, we just need the current laws to be enforced and obeyed. If every driver gave every cyclist 1.5m of space, priority at junctions, kept out of the cycle lanes, etc. as they’resupposed to then the roads would be a lovely place to cycle.

  • Besides the cost, which he covers fairly well in the video, I’ve found the biggest block to people fully replacing their cars with a bike/e-bike is their willingness to ride in bad weather. My wife has an e-bike that she bought on the cycle to work scheme and commutes on it when the weather is good, but she absolutely refuses to ride it in wet or very cold conditions. And to be honest I can’t really blame her. Inconsiderate drivers can be infuriating in ideal conditions, but when they’re forcing you into a gutter full of rainwater or sending sprays of dirty water your way as they close pass you I can understand why anyone would think twice about riding in those conditions.

  • The bicycle industry really needs to settle on a singe bottom bracket standard. It’s not like there’s a significant difference in performance from the million different variations. An industry-standard rear derailleur hanger would also save a lot of headaches where people try to hunt down a replacement for a frame that’s been out of production for years.