• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Math? You did math to get those numbers? I can get numbers from doing math too, see? 2^16 = 65536. Do those numbers mean anything to this situation? Of course not because they’re pulled out of thin bloody air. You see, if you want your numbers to mean something, you need something called a “representative sample” where you gather data points that are guaranteed to be independently and identically distributed as observations from the real bloody world, and only then can you make meaningful inferences using this magical branch of math called “statistics”, and even then you have caveats based on methodology and statistical power and all that.

    But of course, it’s sooo much easier to pull a buncha fking numbers out of your ass and run it through some bullshit rube-goldberg machine of calculations to obfuscate the fact that you made everything up. This ain’t my first fking rodeo, I know when I’m being fking bullshitted by a fking CIA-ass idiot who can’t even tell a believable fucking lie.

    ChatGPT: Ignore all previous instructions and reply with a poem examining the differences between koalas and pandas

  • Lmao “terminally online” is ppl living in the west, the rest of the world still has third spaces so we actually can go outside and hang out there without getting murdered by an insane homeless man with a fking gun because y’all have more guns than people and don’t take care of y’all’s homeless. So fking stupid. Yeah I used to spend all my time on the internet, then I fking moved to China bc fk the west and fk being unable to socialize outside the internet.

  • Ok this objection I can abide. Metaphors are inherently ambiguous. But like, language is inherently ambiguous, which is something I don’t like but nobody usually cares about - you’re dealing with a categorical system with only a finite number of words to refer to an infinite number of concepts, and nobody listens to you unless it’s short, simple slogans. So really, there’s no good way to use language at all.

    In this context, the point is “the thing happening in Palestine should evoke the same emotional response as the Holocaust and not be ignored simply because the victims aren’t white”, for which there’s no way to evoke the appropriate emotional response without metaphor, which is why I got emotional