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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023

  • A colon is this ,

    A semicolon is this ;

    ;a laptop, notebook, omni book or similar;

    is separated by semicolons like I mentioned above.

    Why are you such a debatelord about this? I allow myself to think that you understand that i was referring to the entire list from laptop to omnibook and you take the moment to strawman it into “lmao you seriously think that “or similar” is only referring to the omni book”. Last time I checked the similarities between a laptop, notebook and an omnibook include having a dedicated os with typing and cursor capabilities. A monitor is not that nor is it an accessory to a DVD burner/portable projector. Look at this image, do any of the accessories for a combo DVD burner/Projector look like a monitor to you? Also neither of us is right. This is wholly dependent on the customs agent you get. I’m just saying that the customs person had reason to charge a tax on the monitor and that this is not the “shakedown” you think it is.

  • ONLY IF the goods in questions are susceptible to the import tax, in Hasans they were not, if anyone’s ignoring anything its you: general duty 0% tax exempt, read comprehension is very important


    "Goods that you may bring into Mexico without paying taxes


    Depending on the means of transport you enter Mexico, foreign nationals can bring with them merchandise without paying taxes, in addition to their personal luggage. By air the franchise is up to $500 US dollars and by land is up to $300 US dollar.

    The excess to which each member of the family is entitled can accumulate if they travel together in the same means of transport, except if they are a resident of the strip or border region.

    You can demonstrate the value of the merchandise that is part of the franchise with invoices or sales receipts. In case of not having these, the customs personnel will be able to determine the value of the merchandise. With your franchise you cannot introduce alcoholic drinks, carved tobaccos, automotive fuel, except that which is contained in the fuel tank of your vehicle."


    The monitor that he brought was more than 500 dollars and not part of what is allowed in personal luggage. He did not declare it which is what made the situation suspicious for customs. Hasan thought that he could skip the ATA Carnet by just saying that the monitors were under $500 but that clearly did not work out for him. Even on sale some of these triple monitor setups are still over $500. He even admitted to knowing the law beforehand. So why is this noteworthy in any way. A customs agent went $300 over average price so Hasan had to pay an extra $59 in tax because he couldn’t be bothered to get the ATA Carnet. BIG WOOPTY FUCKING DO.

  • Why did you omit the most important part?


    You can demonstrate the value of the merchandise that is part of the franchise with invoices or sales receipts. In case of not having these, the customs personnel will be able to determine the value of the merchandise

    “And last of all who gives a fuck if someone wants to smuggle electronics, it’s a victimless crime and shouldn’t be taxed by money-grubbing states”. I did not state that anywhere in my previous comments. Your attention span might have led you to think that but I commented on if this really meet the definition of a shakedown. Like I said before, the possible shakedown was on the estimated amount of the electronics. Looking at prices online it seems like a possible $300 added estimate which is $57 in additional taxes.

    first of all if he had excess personal belongings they wouldn’t have bothered accusing him of trying to sell his stuff

    *Ok it’s clear now that you don’t have theory of mind. Try putting yourself into the shoes of a customs personnel. Someone is coming with his family for a vacation but brings in a separate case full of tech equipment. Without an ATA Carnet how is this person supposed to know that it is for personal use?

    **Oh wow you thought that my aliexpress story was regarding specific taxes. It was to show you that customs people in any country can and will assign any value when they catch you lying on what is being brought in.

  • Are we having a theory of mind moment here? People that bring excess personal belongings get an ATA Carnet. How is a custom’s person supposed to know that he doesn’t intend to sell this equipment. Do you think that people smuggling electronics haven’t played the “oh you don’t understand it cost 40 bucks at this pawn shop here is a photo of the receipt on my phone”. The only think that was a possible shakedown was the estimated price of the imported goods. Every country does that too. Try getting something from aliexpress and the seller classifies it under a non fee’d category to dodge import cost. If a random inspection catches it you will get taxed out the ass.

    Also your link doesn’t work.

  • Stop decontextualizing what she wrote. This was all caused by a toxic work environment that enabled sexual harassment. 4 people now do the job she had. She took a job in Canada as a US citizen. Being a US citizen she was most definitely not taught the labor protections she has much less the protections she might have under Canadian law. Again, please stop decontextualizing.

  • You should see the WAN show because he sometimes let’s his true nature out. Even more so recently with the backpack drama and innaccuracies in videos. But there is one tell that he made a while ago, a few years now so it will be hard to find now, but he did mention how he is against “friendly banter being chided”. Stuff like that easily snowballs into sexual harassment being brushed off, but since the tech bro audience didn’t understand what that means, Linus never considered it a bad thing.