Pay? Why would he pay? Does he ever pay for anything?
Stretchy kitties!
Rural America yearns for the sweet embrace of feudalism.
Real life trolley problem.
So, like, tear down all the apartment buildings and focus on putting every single human in a single family home for free? Like, how does your mental image of this work?
How is a stable comfortable place to live ‘nothing’? If being out of the rain was all it took we’d all live in tents and this conversation would not occur. Owning a house and keeping it repaired/functional is hard and expensive. You don’t do your side favors by acting like our boy kept his friend in a locked closet when we all know that isn’t true.
The problem with conspiracy theories is that they’re trying to assign a single point of blame to a complete systemic failure. The feeling is that if we can simply find out who is doing this and boil it down to one person or one group we can then simply attack that group and solve all our problems. That’s exactly the ox that fascism has yolked on its ride to power in every single generation.
This sounds like a good reason to get one that has already been gutted down to the frame, preserve it and juice it up with modern technology when they day comes.
What content? Just do a gonzo, pretend like you attended and write whatever you please about it.
When there’s a critical mass of hopeless people, they’ll be drafted, given a rifle, and marched somewhere with the full intention of never letting them return alive or otherwise.
You can’t be a bully if you’re not bullying anybody. A bully without a victim is just a loud angry person.
Might as well face it, America adores bullies. A good bully around who you feel isn’t bullying you will focus feeling of general anxiety into feelings of directed hate which are easier to compartmentalize.
It’s like we’re all playing a game together, and these yokles think that if they increase the difficulty level people who are just marginally getting by will suffer a lot more than they will, and they’re sure that by being part of the favored team they can be exempt from the more difficult rules enitrely
AR-10s have different competing standards
yes, I was saying that an ar-10 fit the poster’s description of an AK better than actual AK rifles, for that reason.
But if you ever need to replace a part?
That’s the best part! I won’t! I owned one for years, I could dig post holes with the damn thing. I sincerely regret selling it.
They most definitely are not
Shipping makes those numbers very fudgy, I see one offer for 7.62 that beats many of the 5.56 offers just by giving free shipping. I’m willing to meet you at ‘they’re close’ but in no way is 5.56 vastly less expensive. Not like 9mm less expensive!
If you mean the majority of people that buy a rifle and then never use it, sure. If you’re talking about people that actually go out and shoot, you’re definitely wrong.
Right, so like I said the vast majority of gun owners. Super Gun Nerds will always have a sincere appreciation for use cases that the vast majority of gun owners will not encounter at any point. Home defense happens under 25 yards. Soft points and a wooded area would give you a hunting experience that grandpa’s 30-30 would feel quite comfortable in. They tend to be reliable and even decently accurate until the barrel heats up. They’re not the same gun, but it’s not a bad gun, and the benefits you’re touting are completely overblown. Either one is better than none at all. It’s easy to make up an edge case to prove your point, I could probably find an edge case in which AK was fully superior but that’s not the point I’m trying to make, the point is for the majority of gun owners would not see a significant difference, and for the edge case users you’ll find another edge case waiting to tear your argument down.
This is such a weird take. AKs also ‘just work’, most people will never have to hand-fit anything on an AK, and ammo prices for AK are at parity with ammo prices for AR. The cheapest end of anything can be dangerous to the user, so again that’s another non-point. The majority of people aren’t going to see a major functional difference between the two, it comes down to personal preference.
The gun you’re actually describing is the AR-10
Maybe I spoke a bit too fast, if the rocket from Gaza looks like it’s not going to fall on anybody, the Iron Dome does not turn on. So to make the Iron Dome turn on, Gaza has to point the rockets at people. Does that make more sense to you? Your reply doesn’t make sense in this context so I feel like you’re confused.
Just flat out lying now. I’m done here.
It’s a two party system, so if you didn’t vote for the loser you effectively voted for the winner. You should be used to logical leaps enough to understand that; if you can vote, your vote matters even if you don’t use it. Not using it is a choice, and choices have consequences.
Hamas’s rockets have been untargeted with next to zero actual civilian casualties, the purpose is to financially exhaust the “Iron Dome” system.
Your statement is a logical contradiction. The Iron Dome does not activate when the projected path of the rocket does not appear to target civilians, so the only way to activate Iron Dome is to target civilians. Untargeted would imply that they’re just sending them in random directions which is obviously not the case. No surprise though since Gaza has been intentionally targeting civilians since 1950. One could say almost exclusively targeting civilians. They’ve been begging for exactly what they finally got, but they hoped for a repeat of the six day war with a happier ending. Imagine that each bomb dropped on Gaza today is a refund of a bomb that has been thrown at Israel over the last 20 years, the difference is that Israel has bigger bombs and Hamas has known this the whole time.
The internet loves videos of a little guy picking on a bigger stronger guy and then getting smashed into paste for his trouble. That’s how this looks. Y’all were doing so well being sympathetic victims EVEN WITH the constant rocket barrage, then you took it too far and now it’s the find out phase.
To bring this back to the subject of your vote for Trump; Israel exists in its current form as a projection of American influence, from its very inception this was intended to be the case. Its very existence relies on the fact that the usa can use Israel as a base of operations when it comes to keeping the flow of oil moving, and as long as that area has oil that we want this is going to continue regardless of anything else. Not voting for the people who have some shame and want it soft lands you with the people with no shame who wouldn’t scrape a dead Gazian child off their shoe, and that’s where we are right now.
Rewrite your comment except make it about “the Jews” re: the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. How does it sound when you frame it that way?
The point of the original comparison was to draw attention to how you’re equating the militant groups involved with Oct. 7 (Hamas, PIJ) with the ENTIRE Palestinian people, which includes not only people under Hamas rule, in the West Bank, and in the international Palestinian diaspora. Was that not clear?
Yes, this is not clear. The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising is an invalid comparison to Oct 7th, and your further attempts to compare the two fall flat and in fact manage to further vilify Hamas and Gaza who have been attempting to ignite this very war for the majority of my adult life by shooting an unending barrage of rockets and mortars at civilian targets while using their countrymen as willing human shields
I asked what they thought the outcome of Oct 7th was going to be, and you said ‘but what if it was like the Warsaw Uprising? would you still say that?’ And the answer is no, because the situations are not similar. You tried to rationalize Gaza as a ghetto being invaded by the SS and that’s why they had to attack civilians and take civilian hostages on Oct 7th. I tried to explain that I reject you rationalization, but I see we’re straying very far away from ‘isreal bad’ so I am not surprised you’re losing track of the conversation
A big problem for me is that I’m experiencing ‘respect whiplash’, as I used to be very pro-palestine and very against the isreal settlements, then Oct 7 happen and I got to watch live as Palestinians fed grenades into a civilian bunker until everyone inside was dead. Do you have any idea how hard it is to come back from that?
So you made a stupid statement, and when I call you out you shuffle the goalposts around. Yes, this is why you outside your circle you’re just an angry buzzing noise.
Easy, just make new friends!