tamagotchicowboy [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 30th, 2021


  • I just want to contribute to something larger than myself that has a long term beneficial effect for the most and ideally meets some interests. Even that, is asking for a whole lot I’ve found. I think being driven to continuous self growth and learning is a fine thing.

    When I was younger I played some MMO at a professional level for a short bit, I saw it more as consistent fun challenge and maybe some tangible RL money than actual standing. I like anonymity to a degree, but I realize the whole joker quote and people like to have some familiarity with strangers they encounter.

  • Going to xth the chorus of posts saying ‘omg masturbate’, that whole antifap shit is another method to control people using bourgeois morality. If you get rid of that urge before you won’t be so thirsty in your dreams.

    Anyway, like RL you have varying degrees of awareness and ability to act on autonomy in a LD, so don’t feel too bad when you sleep into a habit. It helps to have a list of non sexy things to do when you LD and incubate those before bed.

    Big spoiler for LDs, expectation is the law of dreams, you expect sex to mess up stability it will, a very common one is people thinking merely being excited about LDing will interfere with the LD. Even larger spoiler, no it won’t, manage your expectations and it will lead to better control. A more material hack is rubbing your hands or spinning helps with control, why, something about proprioception and pattern familiarity-expectation if I had to guess. If you ever figure out how to feel that you’re lying down sensation that makes a good reality check, one doesn’t walk around life with the sensations/pressures of lying on a bed. Makes me think of a video game glitch.

  • For anyone 2 alcohol swabs, one for the vial and one on the body, aspirate before injecting (if you see blood try a different spot, yes it hurts but HRT isn’t intravenous) and make sure to rub the area for a min after for all the oils and put a bandage (optional) to keep the area extra clean. Never do a shot to the backside of the legs since you have all sorts of nerves there and its how people/animals would get paralysis after shots. Always use a clean needle when drawing since that’s how you get icky infections otherwise.

    Would look up an IM (intramuscular) injection guide, they used to have vids of nurses giving people thigh shots, that’s probably one of the easier ones to DIY. Subq (subcutaneous) uses shorter needles and you can get away with the stomach, very similar to insulin shots, though absorption rate is slower and I’m not sure how well that works out for E.

  • CW: body horror, fluids, blood and dysphoria:


    So the last time I had a period was well over 5 years ago, guess what decided to happen today? Last time I had to deal with periods and PCOS grade cramps I had things called bathroom breaks at work and I could call out and not be penalized since PCOS is no joke and tbh gets messy fast, like soak through an overnight pad in blood as fast an hour, though thankfully that degree of heavy usually never lasted longer than a day. This job penalizes even if you’re out dying of covid in the hospital.

    Anyway, as a perpetual closer there are no bathroom breaks since no one else can back me up. To make matters worse I’ve gained weight from stress lately and I only have one fitting pair of black pants. I’m worried about how this is going to play out since when I still had them (years ago) I’d have the bleeding for up to weeks. I’m dreading the scoldings about smelling like blood already (got them at my last physical job) and also worried about the logistics, can’t switch pads out if I get hit by a flood unlike I could then. I have a super long trip this week to get to the dentist (7am to coming home at 8pm), but at least I can swap out every 4hrs. Lastly, this is obviously a somewhat outing occurrence and I haven’t been this worried since I got hit by the 1 pad an hour on a day I had 4 finals on back in college. I’m sure all this just happened due to having to drop my T dose due to losing insurance.