I would never put something in my brain that doesn’t at least have a public API documentation. If the company discontinued the product I want to be able to keep using it. Open Source software would be best.
The Australian model is also interesting. After your degree you pay a certain percentage of your income to your university for a decade or so. But only if you earn more than the average person.
This means a university gets more money when their students gets good job.
I am a Linux user for over a decade but I have no idea what this discussion is about. Can someone give me a tldr? I install some software using apt and some using the store and never have any issues.
A friend joined them to get protection because he got beaten a lot. He left again after his first drug trafficking job was offered to him. (and fortunately he was allowed to leave because he didn’t know enough yet)
My schoolmates rented a club house for parties and the bikers wanted to do the security themselves. The have beaten people and kicked one drunken guy lying on the floor who argued too much with them. Completely unprofessional.
This was late 2000s in rural Germany.
Oly in Bavaria. In every other German State this can only be done for a few days max in extreme situations.
That’s not an issue anymore. There is an Duolingo course, tons of Anki vocabulary decks, the app Drops supports Esperanto and the website lernu.net has a pretty good free course to learn Esperanto grammar.
I really like the idea of Globasa and Interslavic. I tried learning Toki Pona for one week, but did not stick to it for some reason, maybe some day.
I speak Esperanto and I am quite active in the movement and write for the Esperanto Wikipedia. In 2011 I had quite a cool trip to an Esperanto Youth Congress in Kijiv. But it’s hard to talk about it because most people see it as a failed project from the early 1900s, not as a modern subculture.
Absolutely. They will try to plug keyboards and screens into the neuralink chip.
A good way to get an impression about real america as an outsider is to follow smaller hobbyist YouTubers from middle sized towns. One guy from Michigan I follow has a remarkable boring life that’s completely different from every American stereotype.
Der Artikel wird die Zahlen sicher etwas verbessern.
I know quite a few kids and early 20s who don’t even own a PC or laptop. They own phones and a TV but think PCs are only for school and work.
He is very different in Shrinking. Turns out he is a great comedy actor as well.
Die Nazis haben die Konten vom alten Rentensystem leergeräumt. Nach dem Krieg gab es keine echte Alternative zu einem Umlagesystem, weil einfach kein Geld mehr in den Kassen war. Und es hat ja auch ziemlich lange ganz gut funktioniert. Nur Spätestens mit dem Pille-Knick in den 70ern hätte man anfangen müssen das System langsam umzubauen, es ist ja wirklich nicht so, als würden unsere heutigen Probleme überraschend kommen.
Not every atheist is a humanist or even pro science, so they definitely exist. For example some regions in East Germany have a high Atheist rate and a very right wing population.
300 Jahre lang sind viele Menschen dafür eingesperrt worden und gestorben damit wir heute das Christentum frei kritisieren dürfen. Ich lasse mir die Aufklärung nicht von der nächstbesten Religion, die um die Ecke kommt wieder kaputt machen.
Wenn weiße Nationalisten diese Verbrennungen machen würden, dann wären sie für mich klar ein Hassverbrechen. Das wird aber von Ex-Muslimen aus dem Irak gemacht, und die sollten das dürfen. Der Kontext ist entscheidend.
Schwere Verläufe bei Corona sind etwas ganz anderes als schwere Verläufe bei einer Grippe. Meine Freundin musste einen Monat lang mit Rollator durch die Gegend laufen und hatte dann noch ein Jahr lang Long Covid. Das gibt es bei einer Grippe soweit ich weiß nicht. Corona kann fast jeden Teil deines Körpers angreifen.
The best aspect of this trend is that we finally can buy devices without glass screens again. Plastic screens are so much more durable, especially if you are clumsy like I am. The prie is still to high though.
Citroen bringt endlich ein bezahlbares Elektroauto und natürlich ist es ein SUV.
Ich will einfach nur einen elektrischen Minivan.