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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Even in that context it doesn’t make any sense. BC saw how badly the BC Liberals fucked everything up for a decade+ they were in power due to their corruption for corporate interests and kicked them to the curb. Now we have a government that is actually trying to fix important things like housing costs, healthcare, and the environment yet the people are saying "Nah, we would prefer what conservative governments in other provinces are doing to make services worse by privatizing them. "

    I get that people are unhappy with their decline of quality of life, but we know from looking elsewhere that a Conservative government is not the solution that helps most people.

  • I was thinking about this recently after a frustrating trip to a brick and mortar store that was missing the specific item I wanted to purchase which should have been easily available.

    Has it always been this bad and we just accepted it until Amazon came around and carried most everything, or have stores significantly reduced the inventory they carry to the point where they have become practically useless except as a showroom? It extends to things I only want to purchase in store. Why do clothing and shoe stores never have my size in stock of the item I want? Clothing has become so poor in quality (even expensive stuff) and I’m hard enough to fit that unless it is an item I already have and need to replace I only want to buy stuff I can try on first.

    As much as I’d like to avoid Amazon, the lack of inventory at other retailers really pushes me towards them. Why would I pay more for slow shipping from the East coast because the local store doesn’t carry anything when Amazon delivers in 1-2 days for free?

    I’ve also been really struggling recently when trying to buy items that are less than $15. Amazon often charges double what it should cost for the items, but at the same time, local stores don’t carry what I’m looking for. I can find it for the right price online, but then the shipping cost makes it more expensive than Amazon.

  • Yeah they added “action keys” that can trigger different percentage presses (20-40-60-80-100%) as a “fix” because the bobsleigh blocks they added in the new game were not keyboard friendly and they wanted to even the playing field. They eventually changed the physics to get rid of that specific need (but not completely) but they are still useful in some situations.

    Download the newest game! It has a free access tier which gets you access to the first 10 tracks of the quarterly campaign and to the ranked mode. It is a bit limited but enough to see if you might get back into it. There is a decent community on reddit for the game.

  • There are advantages and disadvantages to all the control schemes depending on the types of tracks you play, the surface you play, and the car/environment you play.

    Most good players play with controller because there are many situations you run into where you want the precision of steering a specific amount around a corner, or you are playing a track where you want to either speed drift (SD) at a specific angle (e.g. fullspeed or higher speed dirt/grass/plastic) or want to keep your steering under a certain angle to no slide (e.g. low speed dirt/grass/plastic).

    There are techniques such as neosliding where it is much easier to do them in keyboard as it requires multiple taps in quick succession. It is also easier to play keyboard when you need to make turns where timing of a full steer is important (e.g. ice).

    Considering cars other than the stadium car you start getting into situations where one control scheme is far superior than others. The snow and rally environments require smooth steering so wheel is superior there, but controllers are a good middle ground. Desert is faster with tapping movements over smooth steering so keyboard is a bit better there. I recall canyon is a bit better with keyboard as well.

    This all applies equally regardless of whether you are playing older or newer games, analog and digital controls are available in all the PC games.

  • Seconding Trackmania, though I’d recommend playing the latest one released in 2020 rather than Nations Forever. A year’s access to everything is $20 and you get tons of content to play.

    For a game that is at its core can be played at the highest levels with just 4 buttons it is incredibly complex with an insane skill ceiling. I’m pretty good and the difference between me and the top players is absolutely insane. The game is a bit beginner unfriendly, mostly because you are going to suck against good players because there are tons of mechanics that the developer tells you nothing about and unless you watch a video you aren’t likely to understand why players are leaving you in the dust.

    This is the game where you get people who can hit a jump at just the right angle so they thread the needle through a series of holes barely larger than the car while travelling at speeds well above 300mph (welcome to TrackMania, I don’t think there’s a speed cap). They also do it using keyboards. Seriously. High-level TrackMania players use keyboards, not gamepads or, god forbid, racing wheels.

    The max speed is 999 km/h, which is only acheivable with speed drifting, but speed in excess of 800km/h are not uncommon to hit in certain kinds of tracks. Your statement about controls also isn’t correct, most of the top players play with controller, but there are some that are keyboard players, there is even a couple insane ones that play wheel (most notably Granady).

  • Yes we are pretty much in agreement, though I take some issue with your first paragraph that insinuates that men want to “usher in another go of fascism” rather than them just being manipulated by the bad actors that actually want to institute fascism within the western world. Nobody come out and blatantly says they want to institute fascism, they make positive sounding promises to those that feel like they have been left behind by society. You acknowledge it yourself with the dichotomy of supporting the NDP and the Conservatives at the same time.

    I believe a large part of it is men don’t have access to role models like they used to. Especially with millenials and after, so many people have both parents working full time and they don’t have the guidance of their parents to the same level as in the past. Not to mention the many split up families where they specifically get even less time with male role models. As a society we have lost a lot of community spaces as well that would serve as a check to children that are going the wrong way. The irony of the explanation essentially being that things are fucked because of a change to traditional family values isn’t lost on me, but I don’t have a better way of expressing it.

    As to why it affects men so much more than women, a theory of mine is that boys are just less able to do the things that boys tend to like to do in the past like getting outside and getting their energy out through play (that is sometimes rough). They instead bottle up energy and anger because there is nowhere to learn to express themselves in their daily lives. They have been pushed to a more femine way of play when many don’t feel comfortable with it, not to mention society still not generally accepting boys and men who express themselves in a more feminine way.

    Here is a video of the NDP convention I was thinking of. On rewatch it isn’t quite as bad as I remember, but still is a really bad look and should have been handled very differently. Especially considering the NDPs traditional union worker base that would certainly find it insulting.

  • If you want wireless, one thing to be concerned about is the latency of the gamepad. https://gamepadla.com tests many controllers for their latency.

    Personally, I’ve just gone with xbox with their PC dongle. I only like controllers with the sticks in the xbox/nintendo configuration and the latency is great with their dongle. I also like that it uses standard batteries so I just keep some rechargables at hand for when it runs out. On the downsides, there is no low battery indication on the controller, so occasionally it just dies in the middle of use.

  • In some ways I don’t even blame them. When pretty much every other part of society is telling young men that they aren’t wanted, they are going to turn to whoever is willing to welcome them with open arms. Instead of turning them into allies for those who are disadvantaged they have been told, “No yo go the back of the line.” (sometimes literally, looking at you federal NDP). This results in a large portion of society that is being “radicalized” by the far right because it is the space that welcomes them and makes them feel like part of something, even when it will harm them and our society in the long run.