space_comrade [he/him]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 11th, 2020

  • That’s a whole lot of assumptions that need to be true for something like this to happen. The biggest assumption is that after the anarchist revolution the overwhelming majority of the populace will become ideologically anarchist and will refuse counter revolutionary propaganda and agitation. This has never happened after any revolution in history, in a lot of cases only a few percent of the populace were committed revolutionaries that actually execute the revolution with only the conditional backing of a huge chunk of the populace.

    If anarchism can only work if most of the people are anarchists it’s not a viable revolutionary ideology IMO.

  • Anarchists have proven thousands of time since it was written that they are very willing to use force against capitalists and fascists but biting the hand that beats you in itself is not an authoritarian act.

    Ok I can agree there but about counter revolutionaries after the revolution? Do you let them organize and gather support in the name of free expression? Do you engage them only after they start shooting at you?

    Another question I have is how do you handle defense of the revolution from outside forces? Sure you could have militias with elected officers and whatnot, but what if part of your anarchist territory does not want to fight to defend the revolution? I could imagine the people further away from the frontlines would be less inclined to go and fight and I’d also imagine drafting people would be too authoritarian for anarchists.

  • Like I don’t even know that this dude is an acutal pedophile lmao my read here is that he’s a weird as fuck pendant that choses incredibly strange hills to die on and isn’t even right in applying the arguments he’s trying to apply.

    Yeah this is what trips me up about these kinds of discussions, curiously a similar thing happens when zoophilia is mentioned. Nobody will of course publicly support child porn or zoophilia but somehow there’s always people willing to hem and haw about it endlessly when this kind of topic arises. Like I dunno dude for somebody that doesn’t at all condone this you sure love thinking about it.

  • I think that’s the point, they are trying to make life increasingly annoying for everyone, especially westerners, until climate change is adequately addressed.

    I don’t think it works like that tho. Like do they honestly expect the average person is going to be “yeah these activists sure are inconveniencing me with blocking traffic and throwing paint and stuff, let us change our entire political and economic order so they shut up about it already”? I mean I’d very much like to be wrong here if that’s what it really takes I’m gonna be personally throwing paint at all kinds of shit but I just don’t see it.

    I can backseat activist all day and nitpick what they’re doing, but honestly it’s more direct action than I’ve ever done for the climate

    I can somewhat agree with that, I don’t think what they’re doing is inherently wrong or harmful or whatever, I just don’t think it’s really having any impact.