• 9 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2023


  • Yeah, i took his comment way too literally since its false sense of security made me feel uneasy, he obviously meant that it’s (a bit )harder, not impossible. We should be sanctioned ourselves to feel/understand them, the economic destructions they cause are also responsible for an unrest attributed to the leaders(, it’d be much harder to lead China if its economy wasn’t doing so well). It’s not “using the sanctions as a leverage” but “maintaining their head under the water until they submit”.
    The only way out, if autarcy isn’t a valid option(, autarcy ≠ protectionnism, only the first one is nocive), is to have allies who defies sanctions, usually covertly. What’s the point of being able to produce phones using 5G if you can’t sell them ? And most of us ignore what we’re doing to Huawei, it sucks. Did you know that Huawei sole shareholders were their employees, or that Canada imprisoned Meng Wanzhou for two and a half years ? And i’m ignoring so many more things.

    It’s interesting to note that China was one of the few countries who didn’t follow the recommendations about market freedoms, i’ve read from some authors that it’s not a coincidence if free markets are only successful for the already wealthy countries, and not the global South.
    Your article from the awesome Moon of Alabama(, leftist “disinformation” that ought to be banned at some point, not read enough to worry the powerful,) remind me of this approach to speak about neocolonialism(, there’re others but this one may be the most known(, the most visible being the salary differences)).
    I’ve looked at it in the beginning of this year, and made this tl;dr of a chapter from the pro-capitalism(, yet anti-neoliberalism/‘free markets’,) Ha-Joon Chang in his book “23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism”, have a look if you’re interested :)

    Also, i never tire to cite what may be my ~favorite tweet :

  • Sure, at first you had to get 50 names of public officials(, let’s call them referrals, since sponsorship or patronage aren’t probably the best equivalent for «parrainage»,) in order to be allowed to present yourself at presidential elections.
    Then 4 years later, it became 100 signatures/referrals.
    Then 15 years later, in 1976, it becomes 500 referrals, and they will have to make these names public(, with the pressures we can expect).
    There has been laws asking to replace this with signatures/referrals from citizens instead of mayors, but none were accepted.
    As a result, you can see a long list of names with “only” 12 obtaining these 500 referrals(, but half of them received their signatures in the last weeks, most are ignored by our population, that’s the truth, only 3-4 are considered serious options, one each among the far left, center-left, center-right, and far right, and since we didn’t have much reasons to complain about our lives these last decades with all this technological progress and the rest, only center-left and center-right politicians were ever elected since our fifth republic was created in the 50s(, after a military coup b.t.w.)), every single one of these authorized candidates come from decades-old political parties(, our current president is a surprising exception, even as a previous minister and with a strong oligarchic support it wasn’t easy to create a new political party, and as a result our traditional center-right party has become far right).
    So, any anti-establishment candidates(, who aren’t from a «parti de gouvernement»,) will never be heard. François Asselineau didn’t get the authorization, neither did Clara Egger(, a pro-democracy party, linked to Étienne Chouard), they’re only examples, mostly unknown from the public.

    However, this stays a detail, propaganda has more importance, and Internet is shaking this foundation of their power. They can still continue quite a while with the current situation since people are still using Internet for entertainment instead of documentation on anti-imperialist stances, communism, neo-colonialism, alter-mondialism, etc. But that’s still a threat and i’m sure there’s no need to convince you that what they call disinformation often is uncomfortable truths that haven’t yet pierced through our bubble.
    I’m going off-topic there, and i think i’ve answered your question so, since there’s probably not a lot of meaning behind preaching to an already convinced choir, i’ll stop there, thanks for your comment :) !

  • I’m sorry, I have a really hard time reading your post. But I gather that you wanted to talk about crimes against the people instead of external entities?

    Can’t blame you, and yeah, i just felt that i was describing, in my comments these last years, an all-powerful West reigning over a world mostly constituted of “illiberal” poor countries(, if i’m stereotyping my speech), and wanted to talk somewhere about how we’re also the subject of criticisms of “illiberalism”, that our propaganda influences the perception of our everyday life, inside our borders, not only external countries(, mostly demonized enemies, but also under-criticised allies(, Israel or the release of radioactive water from Fukushima come to mind as examples, the kind of informations which would be put forward if these countries were on the “other side”)).
    Since even in this reply i’m talking about the imperfections of foreign countries i wanted to point out somewhere, for once, our own political “illiberalism”, and perhaps read some “hot takes” regarding capitalist “democratic” republics.
    I’m thanking you for the links, they’re good examples.
    We invaded Libya to protect protesters, that’s so stupid, and we didn’t care when it was sanctioned before ; and we don’t care as well, or outrightly ignore, the current countries under our sanctions, what a world.

  • If a spam is defined as the o.p. not interacting then yes that’d be a spam, but most people are here for the picture or the information, it shouldn’t be a debate that reddit’s content is more or less the only thing making them superior to Lemmy, the userbase comes afterwards. That’d be an undeniable improvement, we wouldn’t “lose” anything anymore by coming over to Lemmy.
    And thanks for the advice, i subscribed to TIL, that was exactly what i was looking for, but there’s not a lot of subreddits(, edit : on the contrary, there’s a lot of them, more visible on a computer, but if you’re reading this comment and are interested, as a reminder you may have forgotten that you can still subscribe to communities belonging to instances your own instance has defederated with, it fortunately has zero impact, only on the local feed).

    So, that’s legal apparently.

  • An instance would simply post(, or create a community for each large or interesting-enough subreddits that doesn’t already exist here,) every day all the posts from the last 24 hours, with the same title and the same picture. A simple bot should be able to do the trick without accessing the a.p.i.(, or even so by paying less than a personal app since it would be a single “person”(bot) making the calls one time per day ; in any case, most likely not a technical problem).
    If it’s open and automated to such an extent then it may bring trouble, but if such content is free to be stolen then it should perhaps be done i suppose(, even if reddit won’t like it, especially if it’s before their first public offering, but probably afterwards as well).