Really fun video. Getting a consistent group together is probably the hardest part of running a game. If you can enjoy a game with even as few as one or two players, that can work well.
I use a few tricks to keep groups going:
- Have six full-time players.
- Have two “on call” players – these are players who are interested but might not be able to commit regularly and are willing to jump in when a spot is open.
- Run with as few as four. This means it takes five people cancelling before you can’t run a game.
- Run at a consistent time each week.
- Run shorter games – I go for 3 hours.
That’s helped me keep multiple groups going for ten years with one group consistent for about 20 years.
I love the Pathfinder basic flip mat and bigger basic flip mat. You can use wet and dry erase on them. They’ll last forever. They’re really easy to care for. And they’re inexpensive.
They fold up instead of rolling up but they’re great.
I’ve been using two chessex battle maps for a few months now and they’re great too but dry erase only, more expensive, and need more special care like not leaving anything on them, not folding them, and using the right colors.
If I had to pick one, it would be the Pathfinder basic flip mat.