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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2024

  • skaffitoFeddit.dk@feddit.dkForudsig hvad der sker i 2025
    13 days ago

    Hvis du kører Fedora, og du bare har brugt standardindstillingerne da du installerede det, så har du btrfs som filsystem. Det kan tage snapshots af hele dit system (eller mindre bidder) på 0 sekunder, som fylder 0mb*, og som du kan rulle hele dit system tilbage med, på kun den tid det tager at genstarte.

    Det hjælper dig selvfølgelig ikke nu, i den aktuelle situation, hvis du ikke allerede havde fået slået automatiske snapshots til. Men hent Btrfs Assistant, så du har det klar til en anden gang. Det er skide nemt at bruge, med en fin grafisk brugerflade.

    *Snapshots’ene fylder 0mb når de bliver taget, men de begynder at fylde mere over tid, i takt med at data på dit system ændrer sig væk fra tilstanden da de blev oprettet. Du sætter det bare op i Btrfs Assistant til at de bliver automatisk slettet efter noget tid. Btrfs er virkelig et vidunderligt filsystem!

  • No, that’s not it. It’s a little “trick” that’s becoming popular with European politicians from the right, all the way to the centre-left.

    According to international law, those asylum seekers have a right to have their request for asylum processed, by the country they’re in when they make that request. Processing someone’s request for asylum is something that can sometimes take a long time, and if their request is denied, it can still be very difficult to deport them - which is why you also see some countries giving denied asylum seekers a monetary reward for going back.

    Hosting asylum seekers, especially a lot of them, can become quite unpopular, both locally, and in the population in general. The reasons for this is usually that it costs money to host and process asylum seekers, which some people feel is an undue burden put on their country, especially if they have a perception of the asylum seekers not seeking asylum in good faith, but are rather just economic migrants.

    Additionally, it would be a terrible disregard of human rights to lock up these asylum seekers, as if they were criminals, and the asylum centre a prison. That means that they of course need to be able to go outside, and live as normal lives as possible, while their request is being processed, and their children will have to go to the local schools, etc.

    In addition, I believe there are often put restrictions on their ability to work, as a measure against economic immigration - but the side effect of that is that they are much more likely to be seen as an undue drain by the general population. Countries are often loathe to start integrating people, when they expect to reject the vast majority of them. The consequence of that is that these people end up being very poorly integrated.

    Besides that, there also tends to be a higher average crime rate among asylum seekers. The local communities that host the asylum centres of course reacts to that, and some people will start to feel unsafe, whether due to prejudice, or due to incidents of crime relating to some of the asylum seekers.

    So, the clever “trick” that is becoming popular among politicians is to pay a foreign country to have their asylum centres built there, send all of their asylum seekers off to those centres, and often to staff those centres largely or partly with nationals of this foreign nation. From the point of view of these politicians, it solves a lot of the problems, and it lets them look “tough on immigrants”.

    The legality of all of this is still being hashed out, and courts are sometimes foiling those plans entirely. Whether this trick is or can be technically legal or not, and even if this method could be used in a fair and reasonable manner, it seems to always be bereft with very questionable practices or methods, as in this case, or when a European country tries to set up asylum centres in an African country that has a long track record of human rights abuses against - whaddya know - asylum seekers.

  • I agree with you. I’m a huge fan of the series, and I love them all, but I also think my favourite will always be the first one. I honestly think there are many parts of its design that are just impressive, but also subtle enough that they are rarely recognised.

    It does of course also have its weak points, that can be critiqued, but I would be boring you with a nitpicky critique, in a long form format, outside the scope of what anyone would want from a Lemmy comment, if I started on that, I think.

    I do think Half-Life qualifies as a masterpiece, though. That’s why I am always sad to see when it is recommended to newcomers to the series as the way to experience original, you know? Hell no. It’s an inferior game in many ways.

    Black Mesa was a really fun fan homage to Half-Life. I played it several times, and I’m glad that it exists. I think it’s great that it sometimes put its own spin on things, instead of trying to be a 1:1 recreation (because, then, what would be the point, when Half-Life already exists?), but there were some of its design choices that seemed kinda not thought through, and randomly contrarian to its source (pun not intended, hah) material. Its soundtrack was also stupefying… Not only was it bad, in terms of quality, but it seemed like an antithesis to Half-Life’s soundtrack, which was very head-scratching, considering that the game seemed to try to aim at capturing the spirit and essence of Half-Life.

  • Holy shit. I got Logitech peripherals, and an ASUS motherboard. I’m glad I’m on Linux. I still have Windows installed, and booted into it around 2 weeks ago, after it having lied dormant for four months. I didn’t notice anything being installed, but maybe I had to reboot first.

    Quite possibly, my peripherals and motherboard are all too old to have this anti-feature. Do you know if there is a list of which of their hardware this is the case for?

    Damnit, I always preferred Logitech mice. I guess I might have bought my last one.

  • His first time was shortly after he tried what those in the scene refer to as “spinning”. All that violence happened while he was still high on the rush from that very first spin of his. It seemed like a “good trick” at the time, but like with many other a vulnerable youth before him and after him, it was nothing but a “gateway trick”, that started him down a dark side-path in life, where he, hungry for more, would seek out dangerous knowledge on how to perform increasingly darker and darker “tricks”. But that path inevitably leads to oblivion, for anyone who takes it. He ended up destroying not only those he loved, as well as many innocents who happened to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time, along the way, until his addiction to these tricks would eventually claim its final victim - namely himself.

    And that’s why you should always say “NO!” to spinning! It might seem tempting and harmless, when a friend offers you just a little spin, right? But that person is not your friend, and that spin is anything but harmless. So, take the Spin-Free Pledge with me and all of your friends today, and you will be able to take home your very own SpinNot™ diploma to hang on your wall. And when some hoodlum on the street offers you a spin, remember these words, which will surely make him reevaluate his own life decisions in quiet shame, as you loudly and proudly tell him:

    Spinning - not even once!

  • This might be philosophical, but I think a lot of people make a mistake, when they assume that just because something is made up, it somehow makes that thing less real, and less of an obstacle to overcome. The quality of being made up says something about a thing’s origin, not about its level of realness.

    As stated, that notion might be philosophical, but following it’s own rules, that doesn’t impact the degree to which it, as with any other idea, exists as a thing that has the quality of realness (distinct from truth value) to it.

  • skaffitoLinux@lemmy.mlAsking for donations in Plasma
    5 months ago

    While I was still on Windows, the killer feature that kept WinRar installed, instead of only using 7zip, was the simple fact that its file explorer supported hotkeys like Ctrl+C, and that you could seamlessly copy files to and from Windows’ file explorer.