I just realized she looks like the dude from Petoria ep of Family Guy
I just realized she looks like the dude from Petoria ep of Family Guy
You’re probably right. I’m doing closets first because i know i suck at it. Maybe once those are done I can experiment a bit more.
I will check this out for sure, thanks. I’m currently noobing up my closets with the regular stuff and I suck at it.
I am Jacks complete lack of sickle cell anemia
We need a better source than western oligarch apnews. I prefer getting my news from a random substack
You can take a quick glance at Andy Biggs wikipedia and see what a patriot he is!
This is incredible
That thumbnail is pretty nasty
Fudgsicals look like frozen poop on a stick
This is stupid. The idea and execution of it.
New Blood was pretty good, better than the last few OG seasons. I didn’t watch Original Sin yet
The Leftovers
12 Monkeys (season 1 is basically the movie)
Black Sails
Don’t watch the new netflix show Zero Day it sucks.
Does Willie Nelson live up there?
Good looking group of scientists that love science
Let’s go a step further and remove AI from it completely
My dentist tried to bs me with this stupid convoy. He claimed that Trudeau picked up the phone ‘do you know who he called? Antifa’. I laughed in his face and found a new dentist.
Luckey’s sister, Ginger Luckey, is married to former U.S. representative Matt Gaetz.
Entire family are a bunch of winners
I watched some youtube videos on how to do it and how much to use. I still think I used too much but I’m learning lol. I’ll try the one side at a time next, thanks.