• 3 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2019


  • Fascist <= Liberal => Communist

    In this current world, as the situation has become, every body is born almost fascist then some education turns them into liberals that are always susceptible to fascism again whenever the state want. When liberals start educating themselves more they start seeing the truth and lies and perils of current system. And when they are exposed to left they accept it as the only alternative.

    Those people (if they are not bots) that you are facing on reddit or any other plateform bashing communism are either paid trolls or fascists that must be laughing when called a liberal.

    I may be wrong but this take is from my experiences these days. You’re more then welcome to correct.

  • Where did you get the notion that it’s a dictatorship? Did it ever cross your mind how the world’s largest population has agreed to live in a dictatorship? Same is the case with DPRK.

    Did you ever asked yourself how is this possible in 2023 that no news ever comes out about people’s revolt in these countries ever when even one of their leader’s haircut becomes a news.

    China does not have parliamentary democracy doesn’t mean it doesn’t have democracy instead it’s more democratic then the western lib dems.

    If you never has had a chance to have an alternate view, you are welcome to lurk and learn. We have all been there where you are now. Probably one day you too would see the world for what it really is instead of what its shown to be.