Sounds like a perfect candidate to keep!
Sounds like a perfect candidate to keep!
First eggs, now coffee?
Man, my breakfast is getting real slim nowadays.
You are very pretty!
As long as Annoying Orange says it’s okay, they’ll keep applauding
I would love to see European nations out-space the U.S.
A fair assessment
Send Luigi a ticket 🎫
Just have every country stop doing business with the U.S.
America first? Yeah, it sure will break first.
Same story for my family.
I guess some people never learn from past mistakes.
The only paper I want to see this man’s face on is toilet paper.
Fuck you, Vance. You fucking dick puppet.
I see it as a greenish shade of blue
Teal, at least to me, has always been a shade of blue.
best of luck
fuck 'em up, champ
the bourgeoisie is already seen as criminals to their eyes
might as well give them hell while they whine
sounds wild
might have to look into this for academic reasons, i promise :3
Sadly, yeah, it really does stop being performative when the average puppets start echoing decent for trans, non-binary, or even just homosexual people.
This country is toxic, the government is cancer, and the people are sick.
Brooo I did that too lol
Also on my Wii U because that supported some video sites lol
Ikr, he couldn’t just do the awful thing
He just HAD to make it an ego-stroking/king complex thing as well.
I want out of this wretched country.