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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • I’m not very familiar with TotK and I’m not sure how familiar you are with game development, but just in case you’re not very:

    When making something like a shadow puzzle it is very unlikely they’re actually checking shadow conditions, and if they are it’s probably very sparse/only a couple of pixels.

    For instance, if you know the position of the light source, the position of the shadow catcher and the position of the shadow receiver you could approximate the shadow casting with much simpler geometry. If Link is just treated as a box then you only need to check where each corner would cast a shadow and see if that overlaps the area you care about.

    When done correctly the player would think it’s link’s shadow that’s being tested but in reality it’s nothing to do with the shadow, it’s just a much simpler estimation of a shadow that works well enough to trick players.

    Game development is all smoke and mirrors. Tell the players one thing such as “This NPC is always at this location” then unload them when the player isn’t looking. It’s all sweet lies and I love it.

  • I agree wholeheartedly. My point was more that if you’re making execution into a pseudo-medical event (For example with lethal injections) then you’re going to have more botched executions since the people performing them aren’t medical personnel.

    While I don’t believe we should have executions a gun is designed to be used with little training, but syringes and medical gas supply masks (Don’t know the actual name for them) are meant to be used with training. If executions are going to happen surely we should consider the aptitude of those administering them?

  • Who’d have thought that a work force with a large immigrant population would diminish when we kick all the immigrants out 🙃 we’ll still have medical staff, despite a large portion of them being from Eurasia, we’ll still have people willing to do the jobs we don’t want to because the UK is British and strong now, right? Right guys? We can have blue passports back… And… we’ll make our own trade deals! With America, and Australia! We’re still important, aren’t we?

    I hate this country I live in, sometimes. Our politicians and older generations don’t seem to realise the last 200 years of history have happened.

  • I recently left a job at 1 year in and while I was asked about it the ol’ “Overworked and underappreciated” response worked well.

    I started looking for new jobs about 10 months in and felt I could be really picky about my destination because I was already secure. Having a job gives you a much better position to negotiate from, even if it’s only in your own head. I also found my former job much more bearable while also doing interviews elsewhere- it’s a lot easier to laugh about colleage troubles or 25 year old technical debt when they won’t be your problems soon.

  • Hi, different person here, genuine question as I’ve never seen someone who believes that before: can I ask, do you think the temperature rise from entering this interglacial period is correlated with the temperature increases we’re seeing at the moment?

    It’s a fact the temperature is going up now, but if you’re suggesting that it’s because we’re exiting another ice age, even a ‘micro’ one, what level of temperature increase would you expect to see, roughly? (Doesn’t have to be a number, just some idea would be nice) Less than when we left the not-micro iceage?

  • Maybe you, a single person, don’t have a full knowledge of the industry? Maybe you feel like that because those are the kind of people you’ve been around? Outliers happen, and there’s evidence to back up her statements. Why would you make assumptions about someone you’ve never met just because the people around you aren’t that good?