Everything else is, including Trump. This is the real deal.
Everything else is, including Trump. This is the real deal.
Not a real replacement but Raffaello does the job.
People already worried then. There was no need for the law to grand this power. We don’t need laws if wo rely on people to be just.
Is it sustainable? Three days ago:
Today employees of the #UniversityofAmsterdam #UvA are on #strike to protest against the budget cuts for education that are pushed by our far right government.
En contraire. Europe is split off Asia where the center of civilisation will be soon. Not a problem for the USA because they have their west coast.
Why don’t we pity adults in the same situation?
The laws haven’t changed. This didn’t start three months ago.
Which means that there is the danger that a few bad instances can censor anybody by marking them as spam.
What if Trump is their idiot?
Technically, it can also be interpreted as the Bundesregierung confirming that the Reich still exists.
Why arrest when it is enough to disable credit cards?
Sell it and remember that you first figure out what you want and then you buy the suitable land for it.
Auf welche Zukunft bereiten wir uns vor, wenn wir diese Überwachung brauchen?
For Zuckerberg, heads of state are employees. Why else would a billionaire donate?
What’s the message? I would feel threatened if I received a pager as a gift in that context. Does it signal ‘Bro, we are friends, trust me’? How can this be seen in a positive way?
It’s contrieved. Genocide is about ending procreation. Is somebody LGBTQ when they procreate?
Could somebody explain it to me, please?
Woher soll das bessere Leben zur Abwendung des Faschismus kommen, wenn wir immer noch mehr Resourcen nutzen, als uns bei gerechter Verteilung zustünden? Materiell wird es uns zwangsweise schlechter gehen.
Kann dies anders kompensiert werden?