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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • We’re talking here about engineering role after all.

    where? seemed like general advice.

    Even then, thee aren’t mutually exclusive. your competence will affect how people see you on a personal level, at least at work. And your competence affects your ability to be given problems to own. You’re not gonna give the nice but still inexperienced employee to own an important problem domain. they might be able to work under the owner and gain experience, though.

    Documentation and presentation are highly undervalued, and your ability to understand and spread that knowledge can overcome that lack of experience to actually handle the task yourself.

  • the conversation should never be about reddit losing, it’s about the users winning.

    if only. Lotta people really thought they could make reddit worried and that if they rebelled enough they could fix reddit. If it wasn’t going to work after that 2-3 day blackout, it wasn’t going to work. The mod in that article said it best:

    “More than a month has passed, and as things on the internet go, the passion for the protest has waned and people’s attention has shifted to other things,” an r/aww moderator wrote in a post about the rule change.

    And yeah, attention span on the internet is low. If you can’t fix, it’s best to start rebuilding what you want elsewhere. The best time for a backup community was 5 years ago; the second best time is now, so we don’t have this problem of “where do we go from Reddit?” in another 5 years. If more people had the courage to leave, it may have ended in a better protest than these attempts to ruin the IPO or whatever.

    Better to play the long game for now. This won’t be the last drama, and it’s simply better to make sure any jank is fixed for the next time people get frustrated and seek greener pastures. That slow burn is how we create a proper platform.

  • The idea here is that you have general categories and then you rely on tags to do more granular filtering. so you may be on the gaming group, but if you really hate retro gamess you would instead add games.retro (or something similar) to a filter list.

    The idea of only a few groups and no custom group creation is intentional. There were other reddit alternatives that died out because everone was creating new groups willy nilly and it meant no one group could get enough traction. In contrast, Tildes only started with a dozen groups and you start out subscribed to everything.

    1. it’s not a waitlist, simply invite only. If you can find someone who browses tildes they can give you an invite with no issue. But a semi-common way to “go around” that is messaging the admin, who ofc has infinite invitess, has a business address, and probably has dozens of requests coming in to read.

    2. it’s quite the opposite here. The lack of free account creation is to purposefully limit growrth. Tildes doesn’t want to be a dumping ground for reddit refugees everytime a drama explodes.

  • Community and support are things some people REALLY need, especially veterans and disabled people. Would you say the same if the Mods of r/blind capitulated as well

    Probably. I’ve been told for years to touch grass anytime I talk about issues important to me. But there are no local communities for my issues compared to veterans and the disabled. Maybe they should use that time to make actual connections.

    you’re just being a cynical ass because you want to feel superior for having left the website when I reality you’re just another person with another opinion. Nothing special

    People can do what they want. I was the same way in 2015. I just hope they open their eyes one day and realize that it’s best to let go when you’re disrespected for years on end. You have more power than these corporations want you to think.

  • You get used to it. Change is slow and a website like reddit won’t die overnight. Much better and productive to focus on building up a new community than tearing down the old.

    The goal here shouldn’t have been to kill reddit. The goal is to start fostering the next community for the inevitable next meltdown. Start the fire, not set the toen ablaze. Which I feel is a when, not if.

    I’m betting before the end of the year they start to make a big hit on sexual content on reddit. THAT is going to make the fire really rise.

  • Well that’s the sad reality. I don’t think most people want to move. They are hoping reddit fixes itself or at least compromises on their plans. I was in that same boat myself during the first blackout way back in 2015.

    Ofc, I saw over 8 years how they proceeded to do almost none of their promises, implement actual user centric features when the loudest subs literally broke reddit, and threw in a bunch of stuff no one asked for: crappy video player, hiding QoL behind a paywall, polls that barely work on old reddit, adding NFTs over a year after the internet went to war with the concept?

    Yeah, I’m a very patient man, but around 2019 I realized not much was going to change. And the coup dtat is that the communities themsselves have gotten more and more polarized over time. I remember a time where I could at least lightly touch into some political issues as long as I stick to smaller subs. During my last days (around the time blocks updated to be much worse) I was being blocked for correcting grammatical errors. Not minor stuff, stuff that would fundamentally change the meaning of their sentence.

    So yea, I’ve given up. But it took me years after my “breaking point” and I’m sure for others they will be in the same boat

  • Well they are using their free time and talent to make a app for a free service. That’s kind of a default.

    But I think people are approaching this the wrong way. You don’t need to support the entire fediverse at once. I know it’s OP’s question, but the reality is that you’d focus on 1-2 of the biggest sites and add others later when (if?) any other big instance with a fundamentally different part of the API.

    You won’t support everything but you can eventually support 99% of where people browse.

  • some of those mods are likely thinking that moving would destroy the community they worked so hard to manage

    they aren’t wrong. It will massively deflate their community. That’s an ineivtability of how lurkers on the internet work. They aren’t there for community, they are there for easy passive browsing.

    What can we do to help them transition?

    “we” as in the common person? It won’t be a fast track. There will need to be a steady supply of content for a certain topic, and a stream of discussion. Unfortunately the best way to help as a single person is to basically become that sweaty forever online person. The first step to the Network Effect is to generate enough content to engage with.

    If “we” have developers or artists that can be one bigger step to help out. contribute to making apps and extensions to either bridge the gap or overcome current shortcomings of these federated instances. Even amongst techy communities there is a lot of confusion to how instances work. So some app to make it dead simple to browse and comment (while later allowing options for power users) is key. Sync committing to working with Lemmy/KBin is definietly a bit help.

    Most of the rest is up to the instance admins. SEO, improving features, getting good moderatiors, etc. None of that is in out control, we can only give feedback

  • IDK, I always had a very specific taste in games focused more on JRPGs, 3D mascot platformers, and puzzles. and those niches haven’t exactly grown over the decade. So I never really got a chance to feel fatigued in the AAA nor indie spaces because that niche is more in. On the contrary, the platformers seemed to be nearly dead until Crash gave the genre a resurgence.

    I’m not as excited for FF16 as I am 15 but that may simply be because of themes (I’m still buying day one tho). FF15 was this modern/steampunk feel mixed with high fantasy and I prefer that over the seemingly medieval/low fantasy feel. But the gap between those games were 7 years (or rather, 5 years if you count FF7R) so I wouldn’t say I’m fatigued of big budget JRPGs… because there aren’t that many.

    Starfield… well, I’m just glad we’re getting closer to Fallout 5 :). Never could get really into Elder Scrolls. I’ll probably inevitably try out Starfield, but it’s not a high priority.