• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • pyarra@vlemmy.netMtoSupport@vlemmy.netMissing posts
    аҧсуа бызшәа
    1 year ago

    Once I feel happy with upgrading I will. There are still many bugs evident in the RCs. If you are unhappy with your account here you can make one on a bigger server. Thats the beauty of decentralization. In regards to federation issues we are early adopters, lemmy is very new to this scale and volume of users and posts. Patience is always welcome.

  • pyarra@vlemmy.netMtoSupport@vlemmy.netNewbie issues
    1 year ago

    Content movement: from the home screen when I select all, there is a loading period and the posts are populated. However as new instances collect everything just piles into the top making pics/posts I’m looking at move and self close. Is this expected behavior?

    • This is a known but that will be addressed in the next update 0.18.

    Ranking: imo the breakthrough reddit provided was in aggregating and ranking via votes. Whether it is through hot, controversial, top, etc there is an underlying algorithm that orders the posts. Due to the way content seems to come in from instances, I seem to get two different behaviors. The main page is either blocks of rank lists from each instance instead of a single rank order or the setting (hot, activity, top, etc) just doesn’t seem to apply. The linked image is a screenshot of an attempt to filter all by top of week. The top posts have 1-2 votes on them.

    • This is also a known but that is being addressed though im not sure when a fix for it is due, most likely in 0.18 or 0.18.1.