As a friend of mine says: “The American Bar Association is a very agree-to-disagree organization. If the ABA is warning about an imminent collapse of the rule of law, we are down to studs and wires.”
I like how this is posed as a question even though the CEO is supposed to be responsible for the company’s fortunes by default. That’s why they’re paid so much, right?
IRS Free File.
Fun fact: Trans-Siberian Orchestra was born out of the band Savatage.
The unanswered question is: what are we going to do about it?
Unfortunately the answer looks to be: Not much.
I broke like a 15 year streak of not giving Tom Cruise any money to watch the last one, and boy did that movie fucking suck. Given the choice of finding out the ending and never thinking about that shitty movie again I’m going to pick the latter.
Am I supposed to care about the Fauci museum exhibit?
No, I care about being able to rely on the federal government doing what it said it would do. So that if I get a federal contract I know that I’m not going to bankrupt my company by following through on my side of the deal, never knowing if they’re going to renege on their part.
The Fauci museum is more than halfway through the period the money was supposed to be spent during. Does that mean we have spent $90K to get nothing? That doesn’t sound so fiscally conservative.
Also, fuck the Daily Mail for propagating bullshit talking points about COVID being created in a US government lab in China (long established as false.)
It’s great that you have the skills to do that, but we both know that most people buying smart home gadgets don’t have those skills. I’d prefer those people to have a safe by default setup, which is why I advocate for Zigbee and Z-Wave.
One thing I like about Z-Wave and Zigbee devices is that they can’t connect to the internet no matter what, because they don’t have the hardware for it.
You’ve already got HomeAssistant to connect them to your Google Home or HomeKit account, so you can still turn on your closet light from the bar or whatever. You’re not losing anything by them not being connected to the internet directly. You just never have to worry about that stuff. Instead of having to keep 40 devices that were sold by some company that no longer exists up to date on their firmware, you just need to keep HA up to date.
All it costs is one $30 usb dongle.
Considering how prevalent depression is I wonder how long it will be before we find out that a common processed food additive enhances the growth of Morganella morganii over other bacteria.
That’s a weird way to say: Sulfur emissions inadvertently decrease methane emissions from wetlands.
Just like Facebook’s search “accidentally” suppressing Democrat searches. Firstly, why would you have that ready to “accidentally” deploy? Secondly, There’s no way something like that gets enabled without multiple levels of manager approval. Facebook isn’t some startup where anyone can push code to production.
I was in southern Bavaria last summer and I so wanted to find a stranger.
They would have literally set the White House on fire using pipe bombs.
Stories now require a separate $100 subscription. /s
They need to do what unions do and take it back by force.
Oh, that exposition dialog is… not good.
Beyond Betrayal
Do these dumb motherfucker even know what betrayal means? He’s not betraying you, he’s doing what he said he would do. For once in his life you should have believed him.
It sounds to me like the author needs to look up “overwhelming” in the dictionary.