Can we not just send her to cunt island with all the other cunts. And then maybe Alberta can elect an adult.
Can we not just send her to cunt island with all the other cunts. And then maybe Alberta can elect an adult.
We are both doomed.
I’m old enough to remember the “Harper will put soldiers on our streets” ads but ok buddy.
Clearly you’re not paying attention then or you unions just confirm your personal bias cause it’s pretty flagrant.
Honest question here, why does everyone get upset over these third party groups but not others? Why is it when unions use member dues to support a candidate or party it’s generally accepted but this particular instance is bad?
Personally I think they all embellish or outright lie no matter which side of the political spectrum they support. The fix is not to complain about specific groups, it’s to ban this type of advertising from anyone other than actual candidates and parties. Make them own their bullshit instead of hiding behind third parties.
Easy fix. Cut a hole in the wall on the Canadian side or better yet tear our half down. Fuck these idiots.
Lots of good suggestions already. For me the next step pushing governments to start spending money here for military gear, pharmaceuticals, infrastructure and such. I’m not saying we just throw money at the problem cause that leads to corruption and abuse but why is it only Irving can build boats? Why do we have so many aerospace companies building for other countries. The time for a homegrown solutions is now. We’re 40 million strong and need to start acting like it.
Let’s try to take over one of the most mountainous country there is with a well established and prepared ground army. That may or may not have some sort of nuclear weapon. What could go wrong?
If anyone actually read the article, they’re asking everyone, including Canadians, who’s receiving research grants from them.
The fix is easy, stop accepting funding from these clowns. Otherwise you need to play by their rules. I don’t agree with the nonsense in south Canada but it’s prerogative.
It’s cause they all do it and normalize it, so they think everyone else is fucked like they are. Such a weird, insular world view.
Why is military procurement such a bloody mess in this country. Truly don’t understand. Get something that’s good enough to meet the baseline requirements and then apply a local spending/manufacturing lens. Done.
This need to always purchase the absolute best and not build local manufacturing is a real buzzkill.
Every single social platform has tried to do this and failed. Once a platform reaches critical mass the bits, scammers, etc… move in and start exploiting any “honour” mechanism that might exist.
Probably the best I’ve come across is ycombinator news but that’s pretty niche.
We do but it’s all high end custom ordered stuff for military, space or auto applications. Consumer stuff disappeared around the sitcom boom when JDS, Norte, and others folded or were bought out. Only blackberry is left and it’s mostly from China?
Didn’t he apologize for that and said had he known what was unleashed he would have shut it down?
Not sure why you keep trying to justify it. I said I get and to do what you must. And we will do the same. Just accept that we won’t particularly care what happens to you all the way over on the other side. The commonwealth is truly dead.
Your pathetic government wont do anything about pine gap. Keep thinking you have a spine. BTW, how are those US subs coming along.
For sure. Every country for itself. Just remember that in the near future when China is parked on your coastline and causing problems for all of you. I’ll be writing my MP urging them to stay out of it since we trade with China and generally get along. Cheers.
Clearly some countries didn’t get the memo. Guess it’s time to update the list of limp-wrist cunts for future reference. UK and Australia are really showing their true colours in all this.
I’m not big on more regulation and think we just need to change habits and let the market sort itself out.
A clear example of this is the Beer Stores in Ontario that are now closing up shop after their monopoly was ended. These guys had a monopoly and refused to let craft brewers into the store as it competed with their brands. The LCBO started carrying craft beers but you had to buy individuals which was great cause you get a mixer pack of stuff you like and maybe try one or two new beers. Fast forward many years and the business decision to exclude craft beers was their downfall.
Obviously Loblaws won’t go out of business but they need x$/square foot and don’t care how they get it. if US products are only delivering placement fees they will be dropped or moved to the bottom shelf. Things will work themselves out.
Frank is by far the most biased pollster around. He’s on record saying he would do anything to crush the CPC. But broken clock twice a day and all that.
Wife and I don’t fix clocks on any appliance in the house, never have, don’t care. Either it picks up time from the daily signal in Colorado or we ignore it but there’s no way we’re setting it every time power blips. We fall in the middle of GenX.