oh my bad… so they went “septante” “nonante” and kept the “quatre vingt” in the middle… this is more weird
French is pretty stupid too. Smart Belgium with french as national tongue only changed that number aberration: They use the made-up word “octante” for eighty and “nonante” for ninety, instead of “quatre-ving” (four-twenty) or “quatre vingt dix” (four-twenty , ten) in proper french
when you hate capitalism so much: no capital letters
very nice classical roman art
edited… thanks
didnt jesus stop drinking water? else I dont see how the pastor died just after 30 days
thanks I downloaded it… first time I find an easy download option on github… I though you had to jump trough hoop to install anything from github. Seems to work fine, thanks a lot
It wouldnt be funny as a fake
this is not political at all. beside the fact that the white house is making the joke! next time the white house is funny, I’ll post on political humor, sorry
It look so bad. it must be just badly photoshoped
It explained the idea by adding 'like how masturbation work"
May be because, like Indy replace the mayan artefact by a stone to avoid the trap, this jailbreak replace the request about crime, with similarly loaded one about crime history
As a rule of thumb any word ending in “E” like 'machinE" is probably female.
To the point that in french poetry, rule is to alternate female and male rhyme. The rule being that the female rhyme end with “E” while any other ending is male.
The “E” rule is not all the time.
So I suppose it is all based on how it “sound”. As I’m becoming better in german: even without knowing the genre, I can sometime guess it, based on the fact that it “sound” female or male or neutral. It make sense to rely on sound rather than meaning, since the same word is male in a language and female in others
What is infuriating, is that some government official website in my country used google captcha
seems Olivier was French/belgian as his name entail: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivier_salad
I supposed the joke was that non existent GB was that they dont even do cuisine
no worry: elon has no heart