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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Years ago I was an auxiliary police officer. When I was trained on traffic control they put me in the middle of a 4 way intersection with some small direction and said “have at it.”

    As expected, things got very quickly out of control. Horns honking, near accidents, etc.

    Trainer said to me “stop everything.” I replied “they’re already mad!” “They’ll be angrier if they have an accident. Stop everything.”

    So I did.

    “Now take a deep breath”, he said, ”Start over. Think about who can move next. Go one lane, then two, then more if you are ready. Keep an eye on whatever you can so you can react, but stay focused on what you can do now. Who can move? Who can’t? That’s the only thing you need to know.”

    I can not tell you the number of times I have felt overwhelmed and recalled this anecdote.

    Start over: rewrite your to do list and get rid of the stuff that doesn’t belong there or just doesn’t matter.

    Who can move?: what tasks can you do NOW? Can you make them more manageable? (Start with one lane)

    Who can’t move?: if the task can’t be done now because of lack of time, resources or things that need to happen first - forget it for now.

    Keep an eye on whatever you can?: Can I do this now? Is there anything that will get “hurt” if I don’t do this now?

    Take a deep breath. You got this.

  • Mastodon had several weeks of instability after the Twitter migration before things leveled out a bit. My impression is that they also have a much bigger team to work on it.

    I’m grateful for you spinning the instances up . A few hiccups along the way we’re to be expected.

    When a decent mobile client hits I suspect we’ll have another growth spike and some more wrinkles to smooth out.

    Thank you for what you’re doing.