I don’t like the whole concept of taking oral progesterone as a suppository for several reasons. I’m not a pharmacist so I won’t get into it, but estrogen basically can cause insomnia and taking oral prog every night at bedtime has eliminated that problem for me.
I don’t fully understand the reasoning or purpose behind not using NaziToss’s comics as a parody but if it goes against community rules then I won’t do it anymore.
Note that I’m an anarchist. I guess I just don’t get how it matters
It’s the consequences of the MIT and Apache licenses showing up in real time.
GPL your software, people!
Thus to all proprietary software!
Removed by mod
You talk big for a non-admin. Besides, bullying others for having different opinions on queerness is stupid, and I’m tired of safe spaces being a bat to beat people with - when we’re not even in c/egg_irl in the first place. Go mod your community how you want, don’t try and attack me because I’m not following your moral standards.
It’s “conservative” to silence queers
Call me an anarkiddy all you want but I don’t think contributing to literal governmentware is a good idea
Look, I admire c/egg_irl and the safe space you’ve made there, but trying to control speech of other queers under some notion of a moral cause is unbelievably spooked. It’s how a queer orthodoxy gets made, and we fall into a carefully set trap made by conservative propaganda and religious bullshit.
Connect yourselves. Telecom Cooperatives have a long and successful history in developing rural telecommunications
Stop being pious atheists
PTB. Lund needs to leave Portland and see the real world lmao
I think it was when you said;
I’'m [sic] not here to wipe your arse and hand you everything in life, do some work yourself.
If nothing else it goes against the anarchist code of conduct, which I would totally call that sort of language abusive.
Okay I’ll let you cook; how were you abused?
I have no way of knowing. I think they’re the same imo