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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023

  • Is onderzocht of dat echt aan het werk ligt? Ik heb zelf niet de indruk dat deze druk begin jaren 90, toen ik begon met werken, minder was dan nu, eerder meer. Voor allerlei misstanden van vroeger is meer aandacht gekomen en m.i. is het werk overall eerder minder stressvol dan vroeger.

    Of liggen de oorzaken buiten het werk, bijv. een ander (slechter) algemeen toekomstperspectief, minder sociale binding, en daardoor minder robuustheid m.b.t. stress in allerlei omgevingen, bijvoorbeeld het werk?

  • How do you come to that conclusion, and why would it be different for any other car?

    I have both a bmw (330, 6 cylinder) and a tesla m3. The bmw is only 2 years older. Nowadays I prefer to drive the m3 by a wide margin for various reasons.

    Musk had nothing to do with that, on the contrary it is more in spite of him than because of him that I bought one. I think that goes for most Tesla owners, as most of them are politically moderate and centrists and do not like extremists like him (or any).

    Right wingers are ideologically against it and rather damage themselves by their ideology, and lefists tend to not have the money :) or (in Europe at least) are against any means of individual non-public transport.