It’s worse. When you manage to find honest reviews, the reviewers for all products on all brands are only complaining that this is the worst version of the product ever, and you can’t cross compare them.
It’s worse. When you manage to find honest reviews, the reviewers for all products on all brands are only complaining that this is the worst version of the product ever, and you can’t cross compare them.
old pla which snapped all the time because it wss so brittle
That’s what extremely wet PLA looks like.
Hum… You mean it’s not included?
I would never have guessed.
This Street I, This Street II, This street 95
She actually has had it better than a lot of people on the last Trump administration…
Plant something ASAP on that naked land or it will all be carried away by rain and wind.
If I had to point officially, I’d wait until this week when the Executive started to completely ignore courts.
Just because you know it will happen, it doesn’t mean you can call the fact accomplished with complete certainty.
The act of observing alters the results!
Well, that’s normally the point of observing…
Oh, your joke was obvious enough.
I think nobody believes on a giant turtle nowadays… I mean, it’s hard to be certain, but I think a group like that would be famous.
That’s just globalist propaganda. We all know the Sun is the one that moves because it’s hanging from the ceiling!
(And just because I couldn’t make something so stupid that made it clear, \s - but hey, it was hard to make even this.)
That’s the kind of question that is very pertinent in normal times, but that we have no idea what the answer will be tomorrow.
Normally, no, eggs “never” have such a bad distribution and people so willing into getting them that it’s worth crossing an ocean by plane to get them.
It’s worse.
It’s “I’ll have you rising my water thank you, but I refuse to concede anything that could help you.”
Yes. You can keep eggs for weeks, and airplanes make the trip in a few hours.
And way too large, and way too low.
Handbrake pedals are usually small pedals, away from the others and raised so it’s uncomfortable to reach them.
No, one of them is the “don’t accelerate” pedal you use to switch gears.
Oh, right, it’s because of the tariffs and not because the US immigration is arresting and torturing people at random at the borders…
Everything is because of the tariffs. Tariffs are all that is happening on the US right now, you don’t have to look it up.
Yep, I came here to say that Kate is really nice. Even though I’m an emacs user and won’t use it.
Nano, on the other hand, can’t do almost anything, so I can’t recommend that people make heavy use of it. It’s ok for random small edits, but that’s it. (By the way, YSK that you can set your terminal to use Kate as the default editor by setting the $EDITOR variable.)
and dump you in the jungle
Is that the nickname of the concentration camp in El Salvador?
People not in the US will naturally focus on foreign policy. But people in the US spending all that focus on tariffs when their country has secret police taking people from the streets is like you go to an emergency with a knife on your chest and blood coming out like a fountain, and the doctor is all about “hey, I have some bad news; you have cancer, it can kill you, we must treat it as soon as possible…”
Plant whatever everybody around this area is planting and ASAP. He can think about what to do next year, but not this one.