I feel like using quartz as a gastrolith would be pretty basic, like you might as well eat those silica packets or chew on some glass if you’re going that direction. Some nice gneiss would likely be preferable, much more cultured at least.
I feel like using quartz as a gastrolith would be pretty basic, like you might as well eat those silica packets or chew on some glass if you’re going that direction. Some nice gneiss would likely be preferable, much more cultured at least.
You’re not wrong, there’s certainly some bias here, but not sure what the intent was, if there was any or if it was just not thinking it through all the way. I know I’ve certainly forgotten components in projects that after review I didn’t know how I’d missed or that in hindsight were crucial.
Most of the North American indigenous languages have less than 500,000 speakers; there are a couple exceptions like Aymara which is on there, and it looks like there’re a few exceptions to the “nothing under 500k” speakers rule, I suppose out of curiosity? But yeah there are millions of languages that didn’t make the cut. American historical linguistics also doesn’t seem to be an area of research that’s had much success as far as cohesive theories or visibility, and as it happens colonial genocide tends to destroy native cultures, so it’s disappointing but not surprising that it’s hard to find evidence.
I might be content, but definitely not original, more like a repost at maybe 30% the original pixelation with half a dozen watermarks from various sites with bad crops.
My thought was that Geralt and Ciri’s stories were over or decided, and I’m disappointed they didn’t find a way to do a Witcher story either in the future or past that enabled you to pick your own gender, appearance, Witcher school, or whatever else, maybe with creative use of the trial of the grasses or something.
I’ll happily play as Ciri to revisit the universe and maybe some familiar characters, but I just wish they’d done something newer or more original.
And 30 years after LASIK, you’d be incredibly lucky if your eyes hadn’t gotten worse to the point you’d need glasses anyway.
The closer you look at identity, the less defined and distinct it appears. I’m either the entire river with its myriad sources and tributaries or I’m whatever sliver of water flowing in its path. It doesn’t much matter either way. I think the meaning of such a thing is more distributed across the minds capable of understanding it, as it is with language, a sort of gaussian distribution whose peak is the average understanding, which shifts depending on what part of the local extelligence you have access to.
Conversely, I am merely a model of my own behaviors, thoughts, goals, and dreams. The “me” I was twenty years ago is not the same “me” that exists now, at that point I didn’t exist, I wasn’t yet alive, but the thoughts, behaviors, and memories of that person helped grow into the person I am today. My memories of those times before are old and reconstructed, I don’t have the same memories entirely, I have memories of memories of memories, and who knows if the memories I have today will be the same in twenty years. When I die as an individual, the model of my self and my behaviors will be carried by the people I knew and was close to, and parts of me will still exist as the behaviors I had were picked up on, my views and ideas turned into memes carried into the people I relayed them to, the patterns that were “me” now part of everyone as they grow and change into new people themselves. I am not just genetic data, that was just the foundation of my existence, the soil in which I grew, but as I grew and reasoned and modeled myself from my surroundings, I also gave myself back to the connections I made. In that way I am either a continuation of all the humanity I was before and will eventually be as long as the ideas exist, or limited to the self I am in the present, and only for the brief part that I am actually present for.
Grandma’s memory isn’t safe for Rust.
To be fair, it was probably more common at the time to know that Jazz has an identical etymology.
That would take them recognizing her as a woman, which I hope they do but don’t think they will with their current base of support.
My one pair is perfectly molded to my feet at this point, they’re so comfortable.
Thank you for the correction, I hadn’t thought that through very well, and I’m not very studied in linguistics even if I do appreciate it.
I’m not the OP, and I don’t much care about money so long as I have enough to be relatively comfortable, but I also don’t really feel as if I understand the concept of dignity. Why is it meaningful?
Old Norse evolved from Proto-Norse, which was a Proto-Germanic dialect. It’s still Germanic.
The name keeps mutating for some reason.
It’s called a skeuomorph, and many times the camera symbol is one too, as most modern cameras don’t look like that.
Plus he regularly abuses stimulants and appears to be in the middle stages of Alzheimer’s: even if he lives another 10 years I doubt he’ll be in office long before he gets sectional 5’d by Vance.
Jeb! is near the bottom just to the left. Dead center* is the most recent image of Carter, presumably taking a nap.
And honestly, my understanding is that the multiplayer games aren’t very social: they’re almost always using ranked but otherwise random matchmaker settings that mean instead of socializing and getting to know people, you meet your single serving friends and then barely ever see them again.