• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • The tutorial segment is very weird for Remnant. My partner died before the ‘final stand’ segment of it (and before she had even seen all the control prompts) and she was shown the cutscene and dropped off at the Ward!

    The game is definitely Souls-lite, and some of the bosses can be brutal (I have not finished my first run of the game, for reference), but I found it to be a fun time with friends. And it appears number 2 dials things up and addresses some of my issues with the game.

  • Our usual players were moving house this week, so they were pretty occupied! I was worried this meant that no games at all this week, but some other friends came round for Bonfire Night, and they brought Cascadia.

    I haven’t played before, but I have heard of parallels to Calico, and I can see why! I think Cascadia has another layer of gameplay to it that made it a more enjoyable experience for me. Whilst the interactivity was very low (hate drafting being the only way to do anything), it was interesting watching the other players shoot for different objective sets.

    Fun time, but took us longer than it should because we kept getting distracted!

  • A smaller, more focused group this week! This meant Gloomhaven: JOTL again! My partner and I got engaged earlier in the week, so we chatted too much to finish it in one session - so our friends came back on Saturday to finish it off!

    It didn’t actually take us too long to finish the encounter, so we played a game of Mondo. This is a ridiculous real-time tile laying game in which you’re trying to ‘close out’ biomes on your board. Always good fun and super accessible!

  • It was a week of lighter games for us this week.

    We started with 2 plays of Tsuro with 6 players, each of which resulted in 3 players winning! We were surprised how avoidant of conflict most of us were in this.

    Secondly, we then played a game of Roll for It! to see the night out. I’ve never played this, but really felt like it needed some rerolls as in Yahtzee or Poker Dice. I spent far too many rounds rolling 1 die waiting for my number to come up only to have to wait for 5 other players to do their thing!