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  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 29th, 2023


  • Ok I realise that I did not put the previous comment in the friendliest form, sorry about that !

    Your point is that the marketing choice of using beautiful women is dictated by the sellers’ preferences rather that the buyers’ one. In the apparent absence of evidence to support either hypothesis, you are willing to favor the former one.

    What I haven’t said explicitly yet is that there is one argument that makes me find the latter one more likely in the absence of further evidence : the businesses that make their marketing choices based on customers’ preferences will tend to survive more. kn our capitalist society, it makes sense to me.

    You gave one counter-example that is not strong enough to change my opinion as it can also be explained with the firm having poorly evaluated what their target audience was. They do say in the article that more women started buying tyres after the marketing change, which is indeed not the audience targeted with the sexy-girl ad.

    It does however a good job at disproving the affirmation “because everyone regardless of gender and age are biologically conditioned to look at them.” to which you were originally replying, and I disagree with that affirmation as well. I just think your conclusion goes too far i the other direction, in the absence of further evidence.

  • Je ne m’y connais pas beaucoup en pièces, je vois ce fil depuis !belgique

    Pareil ici. La raison pour laqielle j’ai mentionné les pièces rouges c’est qu’on en a de moins en moins, ce qui a carrément été jusqu’à abolir les paiement par pièces de 1 et 2 cents. Je me demande si ça a impacté les frappes d’autres pièces

  • From (the French-speaking part of) Belgium, 6 years of primary and 6 years of secondary. Nothing inbetween as that’s already 12 years. Secondary usually happens within the same school although there are two divisions within it:
    - programs are designed for three cycles (“degrés”) of two years (D1, D2, D3)
    - teacher’s diploma follow a division in two “degrés” of three years : teachers for the inferior one (DI) have a bachelor and teachers for the superior one have a master. In the near future the diploma’s will change but the distiction is mostly going to stay

    In this latter sense, “inferior secondary” would be the equivalent to middle school and “superior secondary” the one for high school, although as I have explained it is not as separated as in the US, Italy, France or others. As someone who teach in the superior secondary “degré”, I do usually introduce myself as a high-school teacher when talking to people from other countries.

  • Elle ne pénalisera aucun usager


    les enfants [des] familles [nombreuses], ainsi que leurs parents, ne bénéficieront plus de la réduction de 50% sur la partie variable du billet.

    Des associations ont toutefois déploré la fin du billet forfaitaire à 8,30 euros.

    D’un autre côté, je suis pas convaincu par le besoin de rendre ça encore moins cher pour les moins de 26 ans. J’ai peur que ça renforce l’idée que les transports en commun sont surtout fait pour ceux qui conduisent pas encore. Je me rappelle du choc en achetant le premier ticket après mes 26 ans.