are we facetuning Zelensky now
are we facetuning Zelensky now
this article was blatantly ripped off from a tik tok with no credit lol
Not only is the false positive rate way too high, they’ve caught the company working with law enforcement to retroactively add fake data points to support raids and arrests.
Not only is the false positive rate way too high, they’ve caught the company working with law enforcement to retroactively add fake data points to support raids and arrests.
if you microdose mushrooms when you go out you only need like 1/3 of the normal number of drinks to have a great time trust
they are giving interviews on TV… they are the same right wing leaders and groups that are always doing this bull shit in Israel most of them have no relation to the hostages.
A lot of the kibbutzes in the areas raided were home to much more left-leaning Israelis including peace activists… these are absolutely not the people stopping aid trucks.
true but the govt routinely pisses away way more money just to say they sorta tried to do something good… recall how the phone companies were supposed to run fiber internet all over the US
It’s really hard to pass judgement when the safety and stability of the society has improved so drastically in such a short time.
Of course innocents will have gotten caught up, but this isn’t a situation like in the US of police over-enforcing crime statues on certain minorities. The entire country was a puppet state of extremely violent gangs. People have fled by the tens of millions.
If the left wing politicians didn’t want a right winger seizing all this power, they could have done something too but they let themselves be corrupted by the gangs, so someone else had to do it.
What I haven’t heard more information on is why this guy in particular has been able to withstand all the gang influence and corruption during his rise to power, when other politicians who started off well-meaning could not.
Exactly, so he should quit sending kajillions of dollars to help them kill children and covering their ass in the UN security council every time they start slaughtering Palestinians again.
even most cloud hosts beyond the big 3 + Digital Ocean don’t have an official terraform provider or ansible module it’s pretty ass.