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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 29th, 2023


  • I am so happy that they discovered it in time. I don’t know if you realize how very blessed you are.

    Although this was before my Apple Watch, I began to have major problems breathing and attributed it to bronchitis. My doctor, whom I waited on for 2 weeks to return to his office refused to give me an appointment to come into the office and ordered me to the ER immediately. He was not happy with me.

    Begrudgingly, I did. It was clear that the doctor and staff thought that it was nothing because after examining me, he signed off on my release and had the paperwork ready to do so once they received my labs.they were going to release me as soon as the lab results returned. They already had the paperwork completed.

    Well, they got the lab results back and suddenly, I was told that I needed a CT scan. Within 5 minutes, I was being wheeled to get the CT scan and about 15 mins later, my room was overrun with medical staff, one of whom walked in to give me an injection in my ab. As it turned out, The doctor, who has totally brushed me off before, came in to tell me that I had an emboli in both lungs. It was weird because they were mirror images! He blurted out “You probably should be dead right now.” (He totally missed the course on bedside manners.) About 20 mins later, I was whisked into an ambulance with the sirens going and being rushed to the main hospital in Austin. Anyway, when the hematologist came to check on me (He practiced very good beside manners.) After he told me what came next, he looked at me and said, “it is great to speak with you because often, I don’t have this opportunity because the patient died.” It definitely put things into perspective for me. I only wish that I had an Apple Watch at the time because I would have gone to the ER sooner.

    Once again, I am glad that you are here to talk about your experience. Blessings 🙏🏽