• 29 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • One of the common uses I’ve heard is for generating boiler plate code. I have two thoughts on this. First, you actually have to understand what the boiler plate code is doing for it to be of any value. Second, there are already solutions for this that work just as well or better. Most of the major IDE’s either support code templates or have extensions for that. You just have to be willing to take the time to create templates. I use Resharper with Visual Studio for this all the time.

    I tried copilot free for a month and was not that impressed.

  • "And on the third day, there was a wedding in Cana. Jesus’ mother was there. When the wine was drunk, Jesus’ mother said to him, ‘We’re out of wine.’ ‘Bruh… That’s a big yikes. But why do I care?’, replied Jesus.

    Jesus mother instructed the servants, ‘you just do whatever he tells you no matter how stupid it sounds.’ Jesus sighed and turned to the servants saying, ’ Okay. You see those jars? Nope. Not that one. The big ones. Yeah. Those big ones over there. Go fill them up with water. All the way up. Then take some of the water and give it to the host."

    The servants were more than a little skeptical but shrugged and did as they were told. When the host of the wedding feast tasted the water, it had become wine. And the host exclaimed, “Damn! That is some good shit. Where did you get that from?” And the servants were amazed because they knew from where the wine came.

    And the servants implored Jesus, 'Do it again! No, wait. Can you make something stronger this time?"

    – The Gospel According to [Skibidi] John

  • This is why you should never try to remove a tree from a power line yourself.

    Electricity always takes the path of least resistance back to the source. A tree, and possibly your body, may end up being the “path of least resistance”.

    You won’t know if YOU are the path of least resistance or it the line is even energized until it’s too late.

  • Manual transmissions are operated almost entirely by “feel”. Once that sinks in, it’s a lot easier.

    If you can, go find a quiet street, parking lot, or any place with an incline. Practice stopping in the middle of the incline and taking off without stalling. Don’t stress out when you inevitably stall. You will and that’s ok. If you can master starting on a hill, you’ll find that the rest of it comes a lot easier.

    With the transmision in 1st and your foot on the brake, release the clutch very slowly until the engine starts dragging just a little. Slowly take your foot off the brake. You’ll know the clutch is in the right spot if it keeps you from rolling backwards. At that point, start to accelerate and let the clutch out slowly. Continue to accelerate and up the hill you go.

    Don’t hesitate to hit the brakes at any time if you feel like you’re going to roll backwards. Better to stall than to roll back into someone behind you. Depending on the gearing, you may be able to start in 2nd and that will keep you from having to worry about shifting in the middle of the hill.

    Don’t panic. Learning is good. If someone gets upset with you because you’re inexperienced and stall out then screw them. They should try to remember what it was like to learn how to drive. It just takes practice, practice, and more practice.