• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • Dogs were hardwired by selective breeding to worship their owners. Not long ago they at least were loyal companions. You got one off the streets, fed it leftovers, washed it with a hose, it lived in the yard, and it was VERY happy and proud of doing its job. Some breeds now were bred into painful disabling deformities just to look “cute”, and they became hysterical neurotic yapping fashion accessories. Useless high maintenance toys people store in small cages (“oh, but my child loves his cage”) when they don’t need hardwired unconditional lopsided “love” to feed their narcissism.

  • Instead of going vegan or not having kids, I died when I was 5. Because living also creates more greenhouse gasses.

    In fact, having a small footprint is just a matter of choosing how miserable you’re willing to make your life.

    Unfortunately the Earth cannot sustainably support so many people living COMFORTABLY, and eating WHATEVER WE LIKE. The more people, the more miserable is the globally sustainable way of life.

    Curbing population growth - not Thanos-like, but through education and availability of contraceptive methods - is the only way we can all have the cake (and the meat) and eat it.

    Many wealthy countries have their population declining. Maybe if we get to the same level of wealthiness everywhere, less people would engage in procreation.

    In any case, if we just do nothing and the doomsday evangelists are even nearly right, extreme weather, plage and famine caused by climate change will indeed curb the population. Eventually it reaches equilibrium.

    In this case, the faster we get to the edge of the abyss, the quicker the situation will solve itself.

  • 1987, I was 19, invited a girl (from the same tech highschool I had just finished) to watch Crocodile Dundee (not a date). Yes I know, this is a 1986 movie, but in the age when movies travelled in reels, releases took time to arrive in Brazil.

    Arrived at her home, she was still showering. Her older sister (25 years old, just out of college, a Pharmacist) invited me in for a coffee.

    Had a coffee with her and their mother. I was mesmerized by older sister. I had given up dating girls about my age, because too much immature fantasy romance. This girl was independent, bewitchingly intelligent, and beautiful.

    I was too intimidated to invite her to join us. In my mind, she would answer “oh, sorry, my fiancee is about to arrive” or something like that, which would have crushed me.

    So the younger sister finally shows up and invites her to join. She (thinking I was interested in younger sister) asks me “is that ok?” “YES YES Please!”.

    We went out as friends for some months, then dated for 7 years, while I went through college and got a stable job. Married in 1994.

    We’re still together, two “kids” (23 year old Nurse degree and 25, 1 year to finish med school).

    I did a lot of awesome things in life, but so far the most extraordinary, happened by pure chance, life changing, fortunate, unlock secret ultimate quest event was meeting my wife.

  • jsveiga@sh.itjust.workstoLinux@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    “simply no reason”?

    What about ease of use, simplicity, faster to quickly setup, backwards compatibility, and “crobtab is where everyone will look at when looking for a scheduled task”?

    If systemd was implemented right, it would create the systemd files and autoconfigure default tasks by reading the crontab, for backwards compatibility.

  • jsveiga@sh.itjust.workstoLinux@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    One of the advantages of Linux over Windows is that if you have a problem and don’t give up digging, you’ll find the cause - even if you end up digging down to looking at the kernel source and interacting with the developers themselves. With Windows, you quickly get to a dead end (“try rebooting, then format and reinstall”).

  • First Linux servers I installed were RedHat 4.2. I stick with RH until 8.0. Then they stabbed us all in the back, starting to charge for it.

    Have you RH users been fooled twice?

    I switched to the then (and still?) distro that was most strict in commitment to FOSS - heck, they forked FireFox just because of the logo copyrights - Debian.

    (RH to kubunto at home, because Debian then was (is?) too “enterprise” for home, and I wanted to stick to the same packaging)

    The only other distro I’ve been using is SUSE (SLES), because that’s what SAP suports for HANA database servers.

    SUSE should gradually morph the RH fork into becoming SLES, and always provide an easy automated way to migrate, a one way only route to leave RH.

  • Yes, but for all the common issues, for which there’s a script that 1st level will have to follow anyway, AI can do it. If it forwards to a human when it gets to a dead end - and snoops the conversation to learn from it - then less humans are employed.

    Some years ago I opened an issue with Google Pay through the app feedback option.

    A CS messaged me in less than 5 minutes. She was so thorough and her texts looked so scripted, that I had to ask “I apologize in advance, but… are you a bot or a human?”, because I could be much more concise and less patient in my answers if it was a bot. She solved my issue very efficiently btw, and though it was quite funny that I asked.

  • jsveiga@sh.itjust.workstoLinux@lemmy.mlPosso vomitare !?
    1 year ago

    (for context: My first job out of college was as an AIX - IBM’s Unix - systems engineer, I’ve administered Linux servers as part of another job for 20 years, and I’m currently working as a sr SW developer since 2018, android/java, C#, js/ui5 for SAP-integrated systems)

    My home destop is exclusively running Linux since the late 90s, and that’s what my (non-technical) wife uses for everything. The benefits over Win/Mac in this case are pretty clear: Stability, security, privacy, cost (hw and sw), longevity of “support” (availability of updates while running on ancient albeit capable hardware).

    On my previous job, I used Linux (RedHat for a while, then Debian) on servers (headless, no gui) for every server possible function: network shares, web/mail/db/dns/dhcp server, proxy/vpn/firewall, etc. Benefits there are the same as above, plus “autonomy”: once properly setup, they need much less babysitting than windows servers, which sometimes manage to break themselves if left alone, and no need for expensive third party solutions for anything.

    On my current job I still help with SUSE Linux servers administration, as HANA (SAP’s database runs on that). Benefit here are stability, security, performance, resources usage, and, well, that’s what is needed to run HANA.

    Now, as a platform for learning computer science, it depends. Apart from the occasional automation or interop script, all my development in the last 5 years has been on Windows, because that’s what most companies and end users will have. There’s no sense (although it’d be possible) in using Linux as a development environment if I’m developing things that will run on Windows (ok, android would be an exception, but the nodejs/ui5 will run on customers’ windows servers, and the SAP B1 addons on windows clients).

    So if you intend to develop solutions for MacOS and iOS, using MacOS is technically the best option. If you intend to learn Linux administration, Linux is the best choice. If you intend to develop Windows solutions, Windows is the best choice. If you want the safest, more stable, and cheapest desktop, Linux is the best option - If you actually use it instead of falling into the distro hopping hole.

    Linux (and windows, and macos) are tools, not the final goal. None is better than the other in EVERY aspect, for EVERY purpose. You have to choose one that is better for your intended purpose.