@zagreas You’re welcome. I’ve started a wiki page with a list of EU manufacturers and builders: https://monasfx.com/links/eupedals
Pappie, muzikant, fröbelaar en #Linux gebruiker met een zwakke plek voor analoog spul.
Op veel plekken gewoond maar uiteindelijk in #Beverwijk terechtgekomen.
Mijn avatar is de Monas, bedacht door John Dee ergens in de 16e eeuw en symboliseert alles.
Daddyo, musician, tinkerer and #Linux user with a weak spot for analog stuff.
Lived in many places but eventually settled in #Beverwijk.
My avatar is the Monad, concocted somewhere in the 16th century by John Dee which represents everything.
@zagreas You’re welcome. I’ve started a wiki page with a list of EU manufacturers and builders: https://monasfx.com/links/eupedals
@zagreas Some EU and UK contenders:
- Jacques Stompboxes: https://jacquespedals.com/ (France)
- Dr No: https://drno-effects.com/ (The Netherlands)
- British Pedal Company: https://www.britishpedalcompany.com/ (UK)
- TC Electronic: https://www.tcelectronic.com/ (Denmark)
- Carl Martin: https://www.carlmartin.com/ (Denmark)
- T-Rex: https://www.t-rex-effects.com/ (Denmark)
- Emma: https://www.emmaelectronic.com/ (Denmark)
@zagreas Oh that’s awesome! If you could send me a DM that would be great! I can edit that page as MonasFX is my electronics hobby project.