He’s currently standing awkwardly in the spin room hoping that people will talk to him.
He’s currently standing awkwardly in the spin room hoping that people will talk to him.
Hosting the image on discords CDN allows you not to give out your IP address to any person that comes across the link, prevents you from getting hammered with download requests if your upload becomes popular, and allows your content to be accessed when your own machine goes to sleep or has any kind of networking interruption.
Before discord people used to self host teamspeak or some other software. One of the big things you don’t have to think about is the person you just made a joke about or beat in an online game trying to DDOS your machine, because they don’t know where you are.
The mathematics I’m speaking of is that first past the post voting mechanisms result in two dominant parties and third parties being non viable.
You might not like that FPTP results in this, but that’s how math works.
Formally it’s called Duverger’s Law so if you don’t like it take it up with him.
That’s the neat part, if you aren’t American you can agitate and tell people “don’t vote, voting for the lesser evil means you end up with slightly less evil and that’s bad, instead you should not vote or ignore mathematics existing and vote third party which is a fancy way of not voting” and then suffer no consequences.
Tell people not to vote and the party that wants to “hurt the right people” gets into power, doesn’t matter, those policies don’t touch foreign agitators.
I’ve been in the depths of the leftist circle jerk about this. You see if we all sat home on Election Day reading Marx, then the oligarchs who rule over us would see that no one is taking part in the charade anymore. Then those oligarchs who wield tremendous wealth and power would just give up, you know, the turnout too low. All those people refused to endorse the democratic farce any further and so clearly those with power would be so red faced with embarrassment they would voluntarily give up that power and abolish capitalism.
Those oligarchs certainly wouldn’t be delighted by the fact that the population is even cheaper and easier to control because people are sitting out. Nope, we will certainly show them by allowing them to dominate us with even more ease and at bargain prices, certainly that will end the system.
Lucky for you the wikimedia foundation files annual reports https://wikimediafoundation.org/annualreports/2022-2023-annual-report/
I think this is the latest one available.
As to whether they need your money or not I’m a bit conflicted. They have raised and spent more and more money every year. They have a lot of money and some have argued they spend it poorly.
On the whole though, besides asking for donations, they have maintained their goal of being ad free. If you’ve ever used a fan wiki for a video game or hobby you have likely experienced how bad a wiki larded down with ads can be.
I think for myself as someone that has worked as a software engineer for my entire life building out massive infrastructure that is on a similar scale to Wikipedia, I don’t really know how they justify such high development spend when the tech isn’t really evolving very much. I’m sure it’s not cheap to host, so that spend is fine by me, but I’m not sure what all they are building. That doesn’t mean it’s not worthwhile, I just have a hard time imagining it.
I would encourage you to look at numbers and decide if they make sense to you. Also people have written on the subject, so some googling will likely bring you to more opinionated pieces than my own.
Really enjoyed Farcry 5 but Farcry 6 was ok gameplay wise but the story was really underwhelming especially with the amazing talent they got in Giancarlo Esposito.
The real problem with Ubisoft games is that they are all 95% reskins. If you’ve played one farcry game you’ve played most of every farcry game, same with assassins creed, etc.
Now those games often end up having relatively fun mechanics so when another farcry comes out I’ll still play it because it’s a fun game to me.
I do wonder how much they are just hitting a saturation point where the same couple games reskinned over and over are just underwhelming
Dogs instinctively recoil and begin snarling at MAGA supporters so the idea that a strange dog would willingly come up to them for pets is unthinkable.
So did this guy just blast his own legs with shit to own the libs?
Very on brand for the conservative brain trust
Climate change deniers frantically searching for new sources of snow so they can continue denying
Pico8 carts are just a special flavor of png. I would try running it directly or if it won’t run them with the png extension just rename the file from .png -> .p8 without converting and see if that works
Relevant section of the user manual
There are three ways to share carts made in PICO-8:
1. Share the .p8 or .p8.png file directly with other PICO-8 users
Type FOLDER to open the current folder in your host operating system.
Although if you are having trouble you might have more luck getting started with the built in SPLORE command
Relevant section of the user manual
This might be easier to get started with since it will all get wired up automatically for you
That’s a shitty way to treat someone, sorry that happened to you.
If you have storage space though and look for good deals, ironically a Costco membership could help with your finances, and you could have cheap hotdogs again.
The trick to Costco is that, while everything they sell is normally of very good quality, only some of it is a good deal. I’ve yet to encounter particularly bad deals at Costco, something where I feel like I’ve been ripped off. That said, some things are a better bargain than others.
If you happen to have storage space, which isn’t the case for everyone, you might find that by purchasing some items in bulk and storing them that you end up saving more than the membership costs.
Some items that I find Costco normally has stable good pricing on that you can easily calculate out if it would make the membership worthwhile
Although if your bad experience with the food court person put you off that’s reasonable too. Anyways, just thought I’d share what I’ve found having a Costco membership for like a decade, I didn’t really want to pay upfront to go to a store but when I sat down and ran the numbers I came out ahead. But I have enough budget flexibility and storage space to make that viable and so I’m in a privileged position in that way so your mileage may vary.
Anyways still sucks that the person decided to belittle you, no one deserves to be treated like that. Hope your days ahead are filled with nicer people.
This is nowhere near the average price
I think it’s a shame that when we figured out skyscrapers we didn’t start doing that with the dead. Catacombs in the sky reaching to the heavens.
I’m gonna go pay my respects to grandma she’s in the towns bonescraper. Smash cut to a giant tower made of skeletons.
Aliens come down to that kind of society, they’d want to party with us because that’s metal as fuck
True but we should also realize that China didn’t just sit around one day and go “let’s set up a bunch of coal fired power plants and steel mills for funsies.”
Most western countries that have run the neoliberalism playbook have gone “let’s let China build shit, we will do service, finance, and knowledge work instead” but we still want manufactured goods. I just think it’s important to bring this context when people point to China’s coal use as if they are just burning it for fun. They are burning it because we wanted cheaper goods and if we hadn’t have offshored that industry to them we’d be burning it.
We pay them to burn the coal and then complain that China is a polluter.
He could have just walked off stage.
But he couldn’t help himself, just one more, and what a whopper of a sound bite.
It’s almost like there’s a lesson in here about Joe Biden not knowing when to quit.
That one was the best one. I thought his answer though to the question about letting Harris take over the ticket if she was polling better was awful. I’m sure most of the ink will be spilled over Vice President trump and “listen to him” but that’s a simple flub and a poorly delivered quip.
We are being told, and I really do believe, that a second trump term could bring about a fascist takeover, project 2025 is legitimately frightening and the Supreme Court seems eager to make this happen.
Saying that he wouldn’t go for who had the best shot he’d only step away if he knew for certain he would lose because of some nebulous “only I can finish the job here” is straight ego tripping.
Someone else has a better shot at saving our very democracy and Biden would bet it all on Biden because he thinks Biden is singularly capable of doing… something. No idea what. And that’s more important to him which is fucking wild
Hahaha the previous generation was so stupid.
Anyways, youtube for kids, and Instagram for kids, and tiktok for kids. Buy your kids a phone to keep them safe, what if someone steals them? Let them have unlimited access to our dopamine drip! For vim and vigor, when’s too young for social media, our scienticians say no age is too young.
Remember when Chris Matthews lost his fucking mind and started claiming that a sanders presidency would mean executions in Central Park.
It is so frustrating sometimes talking about the history I lived through with people on this site. They will straight faced tell you how “no one beat Biden in the primaries this year” or “sanders has his chance to win but lost”
One candidate has the backing of the DNC and the corporate media which hammers nonstop about how voting for sanders is voting for socialist death squads and he is unelectable. I’m sure that had no impact on the voters though. Billy and Bonnie msnbc watcher probably saw that clip and fully understood the complex nuances of who owns msnbc, what their motivations are, and could understand why one of the 4 media conglomerates might be a bit concerned about their profit machine getting disrupted. They certainly wouldn’t take 24/7 coverage about how unelectable and dangerous he is to heart.
Here’s an actual lawyer doing analysis of the dissent from an actual justice. Maybe you should watch it and learn what the decision actually says about official acts
She invited the American public to watch one of his weird rallies and watch how his small crowds leave early due to exhaustion and boredom.
He could not help himself and refused to answer the next debate question spending all of his time talking about how big his rallies were, how Harris’ rallies were small and fake.
He ended it with, and I have to preface this with the fact that this is a real thing that happened and not hyperbole I’m using for comedic effect, talking about some unhinged and completely baseless conspiracy about immigrants stealing and eating peoples pets.