• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I definitely don’t like the obnoxious copyright system in the USA, but what the IA did seems obviously wrong.

    The publisher-plaintiffs did not prove the “obvious wrong” in this case, however US-based courts have a curious standard when it comes to the application of Fair Use doctrine. This case ultimately rested on the fourth, most significantly-weighted Fair Use standard in US-based courts: whether IA’s digital lending harmed publisher sales during the 3-month period of unlimited digital lending.

    Unfortunately, when it comes to this standard, the publisher-plaintiffs are not required to prove harm, rather only assert that harm has occurred. If they were required to prove harm they’d have to reveal sales figures for the 27 works under consideration–publishers will do anything to conceal this information and US-based courts defer to them. Therefore, IA was required to prove a negative claim–that digital lending did not hurt sales–without access to the empirical data (which in other legal contexts is shared during the discovery phase) required to prove this claim. IA offered the next best argument (see pp. 44-62 of the case document to check for yourself), but the data was deemed insufficient by the court.

    In other words, on the most important test of Fair Use doctrine, which this entire case ultimately pivoted upon, IA was expected to defend itself with one arm tied behind its back. That’s not ‘fair’ and the publishers did not prove ‘obvious’ harm, but the US-based courts are increasingly uninterested in these things.

    edited: page numbers on linked court document.

  • Just a reminder that many former government staff, ex-elected officials, family members and acquaintances of current politicians, etc. are now lobbyists and/or investors in the commercial cannabis sector. For example, Smitherman (CEO of CCC) worked for 4 decades in Ontario politics before becoming a lobbyist. As the retailer quoted in this article says, these politically-connected producers are the intended beneficiaries of pricing changes, not the retailers or customers.

    Unfortunately, this is standard business practice in Canada: now that they have achieved market dominance over less-connected peers, they look to the government to help protect their profits, which they will use to purchase struggling competitors to further consolidate the industry and allow them to raise wholesale prices in the future. Once only 2-3 major producers remain in the country, they will have spent two decades lobbying the government and can look forward to protectionist government intervention, price collusion, and guaranteed profits, not unlike Rogers/Bell/Telus enjoy today.

  • “In my view, a lot of the general associations we have with drinking in public are negative, like drunkenness in public, drinking and driving, like drunken hoodlums, all of these things — which make the news, but aren’t necessarily the only way people consume alcohol in public.”

    Dr. Malleck quoted here gets close to the source of the problem, which is classism.

    Most mayors, city councilors, etc. are doing well financially and they own their own houses (as well as cottages, investment properties, etc.), so the idea of going to a public park to drink outside with friends seems unusual to them. They view public parks as community spaces, but only within their personal perspectives as homeowners, and therefore what is allowed in parks is restricted to class-based moral sensibilities. It’s easy for Councilor So-and-So to bring her laptop to her backyard garden patio for another Zoom meeting. The line worker who just wants to sit outside with her family after 12 hours inside sorting chicken meat for Councilor So-and-So’s BBQ that weekend… she was an afterthought when it comes to these kinds of public space bylaws.

    This disconnect between how municipal leaders and many apartment/condo-dwelling constituents live also explains the conflicts during the pandemic when people wanted to leave the isolation of their apartments for fresh air, but homeowner leaders (with their backyards, cottage retreats, ‘working’ holidays, etc.) told them to go back inside and threatened them with fines.

    We do we have these bylaws? Ignorance rooted in class.

  • Hello friend,

    Most people see results after they establish and stick with a meditation routine. If you need help, Kurzgesagt has a useful video on establishing habits and routines: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75d_29QWELk

    Here’s a simple meditation technique to start, which requires no special equipment, reading/training, etc. All you need is to sit or stand in a comfortable position that does not make you feel sleepy. The technique is counting breaths and it is the first step for many different meditation traditions.

    Your goal is to count your own breaths from 1-10 in your mind without losing count. This is a repetitive exercise like gym reps, but your goal is to NOT ZONE OUT. Your target is 10: breathe in and count ‘1’ in your mind, breathe out and count ‘2’… breathe in again and count ‘3’, breathe out and count ‘4’. If you lose track of your count, you just reset to ‘1’ and start again.

    At the beginning, you will lose track of your count a lot. Some people take a week or more to successfully complete the first set, much less multiple sets in a row. Our minds naturally wander. Sometimes you don’t even realize you lost count until you think, “Wait, what breath am I on?” That is okay… that is the point! If you keep practicing this technique you will begin to train your mind to focus and not wander, which is a major step to conquering procrastination. Once you develop this simple form of mental self-control you will be able to demonstrate other forms of self-control.

    Let me know if you want to chat more about it!