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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • I disagree.

    Both sides are bad, no matter who is currently the aggressor.

    Now because there is aggression, the aggressor has an obligation to stop it, and we have an obligation to force a stop in the conflict as well. But that doesn’t make the other party less Bad in this. Both sides killed a lot of innocent people, both have inhumane ulterior motives and both are supporting further escalation. But ofc if there’s only one party doing the fighting, then that’s the party that acutely needs to be stopped.

    This distinction is very important to me, because you are not suddenly the good guy because you stopped killing civilians. You are just not actively doing war crimes which means we don’t have to intervene because of you anymore, which is at least one less reason. But you are not holy because “this year it was only 300 war crimes”.

  • The first part unfortunately has a chance to work. But then what? Polls show trump is not nearly as praised as he was by a bunch of ppl back then. It isn’t even clear that he will be the GOP candidate. So let’s say they get it delayed until election results are public, chances are he loses, they wasted a bunch of time, trump and judge cannon can get hammered on appeal, and he is still stuck with solid time in prison.

    I mean I get your point, and while I do think it’s important to follow the law, it’s also important that no one is above the law; not even a president. But in my mind chances are so slim for him to get out of this, I just can’t see it.