ML | Danish | He/Him

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I quite like Nordmann fir also known as the Danish Christmas Tree. Good memories of being a kid, and putting decorations on them. Never a religious thing for us, just a nice little thing where me, my mom, and my grandma would do something together. With everything going on in the world I do cherish those childhood memories. I miss it to be honest, and hadn’t thought about that for a while, so thanks for reminding me comrade, I actually needed that.

  • Yeah the good old joke about the west being so good at propaganda that “there is no propaganda in the west” is very applicable here. I know quite a few good people, who are just not media literate enough to understand when they are being duped. And to be fair, the propaganda is constant, and from birth. To be anti-NATO in a NATO country is not something you just stumble into being, you actually have to read, and actively understand how the world works.

    Not trying to excuse anyone here by the way, it just makes me sad when people I otherwise have liked fall to propaganda. I hope they learn, they are still young, and god knows I had some stupid beliefs when I was 18-20 years old.

    Edit: Pronouns, sorry