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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Yep that’s exactly my concern. This seems abusable. Drivers could theoretically stop further back from the grid and use that distance to get the car rolling before fully dropping the clutch, limiting tire slip. Someone posted the rules about grid placement and while there is a rule against sideways position or angle, there isn’t anything about being further back. It’s probably not going to happen but I personally would try that short rolling start in practice just to see.

  • I’m not so sure about your second point. He might have set up further back (probably unvoluntarily) so even when he jumped he didn’t cross the limit of the grid box. This would also mean that they didn’t have any infringement on the rules you posted so they couldn’t just give him a penalty.

    I remember some years ago it was possible to measure drivers reaction time at the start. I remember Bottas even had an almost impossible reaction of a couple thousands of a second, he probably got lucky but it still was after the reds went out. So how about using clutch release telemetry or wheel speed sensors data and compare that to exactly when they shut the lights? If that difference is anywhere under 0.000, you jumped. It would still be incredibly hard to judge while not allowing any form of movement before the lights are actually out.

  • Je passe au-travers d’une situation similaire en ce moment. La méthode la plus rapide est d’aller au CLSC le plus près et de demander de l’aide psycho-sociale. Tu devrais pouvoir rencontrer un TS qui te metteras en contact avec d’autres intervenants que tu pourras rencontrer 8 fois et t’aider à trouver un médecin pour éventuellement rencontrer un psychiatre. Le tout à pris deux mois pour moi entre la première visite au CLSC et la rencontre avec un psychiatre. Bonne chance.

  • They are just proving they don’t understand what makes games sell at all then. Anybody who had experienced the early access (they had like 3 years to do so) knew this was a special game. Anybody who tried the DOS series also knew and are probably here because of those anyway. The success of this game was obvious way before it came out. This is just another proof that the people running the business have no idea of what they are doing. They just cannot judge of stuff before they have numbers and it’s why we should get rid of these leeches. So again, the only surprised people are the idiots that don’t understand shit about modern games.