• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023

  • I know people who actively fight me on ISO 8601. They don’t like the way it sorts their files/folders, reliant on whatever behavior the operating system does. Whenever data recovery happens or their files are moved, all the change times are blown out the window and the sorting they expect is blown away.

    I’m not yet using a 24-hour clock. But it has me thinking. That’s not such a bad transition for 24-hour local time into UTC. Or just using both. At some point the inconvenience of the local will become vestigial and UTC is what remains.

  • The pandemic whipsawed its de-facto function the other direction: before the pandemic, public education grew to become more of a form of subsidized childcare with added politics of mandatory curricula and mandatory testing. During the pandemic, the system forced already strained parents previously reliant on subsidized childcare to become teachers and were required to be on-camera attendants for their children to complete timed assessments to “prove there was learning and not cheating”, which was even more problematic when you had more than one child-- because then you had to teach and assess N-child-different things during the day where previously each child was cohorted in grades with N-concurrent teachers.

    The current system treats everyone like children because it never had the plot for effective education, “compulsory education” was for the poor and it was oriented to inculcating values for adherents of religion, loyal subjects of monarchy, soldiers for state, and drones for industry. If your family had money, your education was not from the compulsory design.

  • StackOverflow initially had an interesting idea of putting metrics on things, and unfortunately humanity’s penchant for “what gets measured is gamed” was amplified and devolved into a hive of HOA Karens looking for infractions of the rules.

    I’ll bet that if you “relaunched” a SO-like system and removed all human-visible “points” or “scores” you could achieve a less toxic environment. The only “ranking” is implicit based on your topical subscriptions.

    Then again, you could “relaunch” the “relaunch” and “AlphaGo-ify” a bunch of AI agents to compose the dialogs and threads without any human interaction at all. I guess we’re on our way already to building Culture minds.