good_girl [she/her, they/them]


  • 5 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • I can’t stress enough how much a wide toothed comb helped with keeping frizz somewhat manageable as another curly girly.

    Checkout the curlyhair comm on reddit, they usually have good recs.

    As for oil, as someone with high porosity 2B-2C sometimes 3A hair (leans closer to wavy), I had decent success with Jojoba oil as it’s very light and has similar properties to sebum. I also really like using Tsubaki Oil and though I’m not entirely sure it’s doing anything for my frizz, it leaves my hair incredibly soft.

    Also i find tying my hair up in a bun overnight keeps it more manageable in the morning.

  • finally got around to having blood work done again to check my levels, I feel like they’re pretty low for my last dose to be 1 week ago.

    Anyway I asked my endo to (officially) up my dosage frequency from once every two weeks to at least once a week, and I also asked him if we could up my dose (4mg).

    He agreed to increase my frequency but not my dose.

    I didn’t tell him i’d already switched to once a week but now I’m trying to convince him to up my dose as well, hopefully he agrees otherwise I’m going to have to awkwardly tell him I’d been doing once a week doses for the last 1.5 months.

    edit: nevermind he responded quickly basically saying not for 3-4 weeks at least, and if my levels don’t improve i’ll have to go in to get shots instead of doing it at home (which i hate because I have to make time away from work).

  • Got around to watching I Saw the TV Glow on Saturday night.

    I loved the movie, but like it wasn’t as emotionally devastating as I’d hoped it would be. Maybe I’m just busted? Idk like I definitely connected with the film on a lot of its parts/aspects. There were even certain parts of the film where I already knew what the main character was going to say before it was said.


    The part on the bleachers where Tera/Maddy was asking Isabel about her sexuality hit a little too close and I literally answered “I don’t know” out loud before Isabel did.

    Idk maybe I’m more emotionally locked up than I thought or maybe my expectations were too high or maybe I was just too ready to be analytical instead of just taking the movie as it comes.

    I’ll re-watch it again, probably soon. I’ll definitely remember it as one of my favorite movies, I identify far too personally with the text for it to not be; I just wanted to share the connection with it that many trans people are saying they felt with it, and I’m a little disheartened that I feel like I didn’t connect in the same way that some people did.

  • Settling into my new place and enjoying our backyard that the previous tenants turned into a little veggie field.

    Put myself together a cute little gardening outfit from the clearance aisle (jeans were too short but otherwise perfect). My partner was gassing me up and even I sorta thought i looked cute despite not shaving for a few days.

    Unfortunately my back is a fuck and I can’t work for longer than an hour or two.

    dysphoria talk

    The outfit was really super cute but god I’m realizing exactly how fucking much i hate my shoulders and my upper body in general. I think it’s partially because I have such messed up posture, my upper body is just so fucking wide I can’t stand it.

    Also the lower half of my face is too goddamn wide. I think from a distance or in the mirror it’s not too bad but seeing myself in photos i feel so shitty, I think it’s making me really want to try for FFS asap, but I can’t afford to take time off to heal so It’s not really accessible until I get sorta financially stable.

    The silver lining is that my eyes and lashes are so goddamn pretty actually. When I have my bangs properly styled I really like my face from the nose up. It’s the one thing keeping me going right now.