Especially after the GOP literally pulled her into the spotlight over the subject
Especially after the GOP literally pulled her into the spotlight over the subject
GOP made it newsworthy
Weird. I was also reminded of him when Vance went donut shopping for lots of glaze. Might be something to it.
Maybe he’s misunderstood. Maybe another one of his children doesn’t agree with him and he wants to get rid of it. He’ll take the cat in exchange. A somewhat understandable offer.
Habe das auch nicht so gemeint, dass man jetzt schon direkt auf die Straße rennen soll 😄
Nicht irgendwelche Leute. Das ist verboten. Aber jeder Bürger hat das Recht sich gegen Feinde der Verfassung zu wehren. Und Nazis wollen diese Verfassung abschaffen.
Du genießt in dem Land in dem du geboren bist üblicherweise umfangreiche Rechte die Ausländer erstmal nicht bekommen. Das ist für dich ein Vorteil.
Viele Ausländer, besonders Flüchtlinge, wären mit Sicherheit lieber in ihrer Heimat, wenn es dort einigermaßen sicher wäre. Ich habe nichts gegen Menschen die bei uns Zuflucht suchen. Ich erkenne deren Herausforderungen an, und möchte mir diese nicht zumuten weil ein paar Hurensöhne bei uns den dicken Max machen.
Wo sich da bei mir wirklich die Grenze zwischen Flucht und Bürgerkrieg befindet, bleibt aber hoffentlich für immer offen.
Valid. I’ve been thinking though. What’s the problem with making a waterproof audio jack, if we have the USB C for charging?
I don’t want to hate on wireless by any means. I often prefer wireless. But it’s really fucking nice to have a power source connected and audio as well. It’s very convenient. Especially if you have a dock and headset.
It just feels like such a redundant transformation that achieved nothing for the user.
I know they can still use the chip even if you don’t want BT. I know they can still use it regardless of your desire to disable it. If there was no reasonable user demand for it, then it would be pretty hard to sell a useless piece of metal that only eats up energy and space in the phone.
You know, like an audio jack.
No other type of audio device saw the need to have the jack removed. The BT-only headphones were introduced by the same companies who removed the audio jack from the phones.
Nobody is “tricking” anyone. This is just as regular a shady business practice as false advertising. The companies doing this just weigh their options to maximize profits. This is a laughably easy sell, apparently, so it’s reasonable they would be doing it. The complaints about this subject were loud from day one. Removing the jack is artificially limiting the features of the device for literally no plausible reason. Point to their material that explains it in more words than “we decided it’s time”.
We had the entire oil and tobacco industry lie to us for decades, but this is far fetched?
Glaube du warst da noch besser informiert als ich. Aber wenn verurteilte Ausländer ohne Asyl ihre Strafe nicht hier absitzen, sondern das Land verlassen müssen, finde ich das erstmal ganz vernünftig. Wie lange man eine Person in Deutschland im Gefängnis für 1000€ unterbringen kann, müsste ich nachlesen, aber ich behaupte, das ist nicht lange.
Geht nicht um Abschreckung. Wenn verurteilte Straftäter aus dem Ausland bei uns Geld kosten, dann wollen wir dafür eine Lösung.
Wenn Leute durch die halbe Welt reisen und bei uns dann Verbrechen begehen, womit will man die abschrecken, nachdem sie mit einer Nussschale übers Meer gekommen sind? Mit dem Tod?
I don’t get what people are doing who need waterproof phones, but I will accept that some people need this. To me it sounds far more like an edge case than people wanting wired headphones though, especially at the time they started removing jacks.
Every single signal your Android phone sends, like looking up the address of a website with Google DNS, or just synchronizing your time with Google time servers, which are defaults in most Android phones, goes right into at least a shadow profile.
Android exists to create highly detailed profiles of individuals, using your own device usage, and detecting other devices around you. Like WiFi hotspots to offer more detailed position information.
Every single time any of this happens, you leave a data point in a Google database. Collecting all BT devices every time you see them as data points is so dramatically valuable if this is your core business. Google is an advertisement platform.
It’s no conspiracy. It’s just a valid strategy to expand your business. It’s not unheard of that companies form cartels. Car companies manipulate millions of vehicles to trick lab tests. Companies like Apple and Google don’t have your best interest at heart. Don’t ever assume their decisions are driven by popular demand. They actively lobby to steer demand.
Removing a few cents worth of metal to cut costs? Because not enough users need it? That sounds more convincing than one of these companies trying to expand their proprietary BT global network features? Not to me at this time.
Just ask yourself, who is still posting on Facebook? Your friends? I hope not. The last time I hung out on that site, the groups seemed to be the only valuable section to participate in. But it’s ultimately just a circlejerk and you’re feeding content into a garbage platform stuffed with ads. Not a great way to spend time.
These jacks are still in every other audio device. They were removed from phones to force BT usage, which Google needs for their profiling telemetry network and Apple for their Find my Device thing. God forbid someone turns BT off or even decides they would prefer a phone without BT entirely. There is no other reason and how people prefer to listen to music has nothing to do with the subject.
Marketing play to grab the money off of rich parents. There are still teachers, they are just proxied by “AI”. And there will also still be teachers monitoring. And there will still be teachers for certain topics.
So it’s teacherless, but with plenty of teachers.
Die 28 verurteilen Straftäter waren aber real. Die konnten wir nur mit Hilfe von Katar wieder loswerden. Was ist denn dafür die Lösung? Sie bei uns im Knast sozialisieren und ihnen dann Asyl geben? Hab ansonsten noch nichts realistisches gehört was human wäre. Aber Asyl zu verschenken wenn man vorher nur mal vernünftig kriminell bei uns war klingt auch nicht besonders nachhaltig.
Es geht hier schon um ein reales Problem. Wenn man Leute die sich damit nur mal befassen gleich als fremdenfeindlich bezeichnet, hilft das nicht.
the claims in some media that Telegram is some sort of anarchic paradise are absolutely untrue. We take down millions of harmful posts and channels every day,
Gotcha. Millions of harmful posts every day. That really does sound like a great place.
Given how accessible music is, how accessible musicians are on social media, the fact that you probably have to travel to the venue, shit like COVID, eardrum shattering PA systems that make ear plugs a requirement, what is the appeal today even? And then it costs a thousand bucks?
I understand fun, but I feel like you could get a better deal if you’re just looking for a good time.
WTF. That’s vacation money. Thanks for providing some reference.
Kennst duden Konrad? Weil ist ein Maschine